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[E] gmanjr22
[E] gmanjr22
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over 10 years ago
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over 10 years ago
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I beleive i should be able to play on your servers because i have been around for a very longtime, well pdog11,sideathan,ajsoccer12 and i have played on the original minetown and for a while that was our home server. This will not happen again because I have learned my lesson and believe that this was a wrong move on most of everyone involveds side, including me and sideathan
over 10 years ago
Hello, Thank you for handling my appeal. The reason i did those actions is because not to long ago we were playing a private server and messing around about eachothers skins including him against my pug. It was all light hearted and didnt mean anything serious. He and i know that and he has tried telling admins but they told him to tell me to send an appeal.
over 10 years ago
gmanjr22 I dont know the exact date i was banned but it was about a week ago 8x8Johan I was banned because my friend "Sideathan" said i was being abusive to an admin because he got mad at me over a ongoing joke we had. Sideathan even tried to get me unbanned and they said come here. Main Server
over 10 years ago