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Minecraft IGN: DonkeyyKong Age: 16 What time of the day would you be most available to run events? (Please specify a time zone): 2:00PM (EST) Hours per week you play(average) AND how long have you been in Minetown: In the past weeks I'm not going to lie, I have not been very active, but when I am active I'm mainly on for about 48 hours per week (Around 6-12hours a day). And I've been playing Minetown for a year now, coming on two years(: What kind of events would you specialize in? As many people know from my past events, I usually try to specialize in different types of events, some are quick events, some last hours. Some are teamed, some are on your own. And I make sure EVERY single event I make is detailed to the max, or it will not be hosted until done so. What are your ideas for future events? I have many, basketball, a horse race, even a border control event! I have more, but I would like to keep secret for now.(: Have you ever participated or ran any unofficial events? Please tell us about what you did and how it went: Ofcourse I have! Before there was an event team, I would love making events, DKSkyDive, DKParkour, Mario v.s DonkeyKong was a big one, and all were very successful. Tell us about your experence with some of the mechinisms we use (WorldEdit, WorldGuard Regions, CraftBook, etc.): I know them all very well, I would use them frequently when I made events. Why do you consider Event staff over Normal staffing? When you're an entertainment staff, you have so much fun. I'm not saying Normal Staff don't have fun, I'm just saying entertainment staff can be creative, and you never know what they will come out with next, they spend countless hours to give the community some fun. They think outside the box to create the events the community knows and loves. And the love and support the community gives you when they have fun on your events is all the gift I could ask for. Ever since my first day of Minetown, I've always admired the first entertainment member, baberuth, and I would love seeing him work on his events, he would let me test them and help out on them. That made me realize how much fun building events could be. So I started, and now I can't stop thinking about new events I could set up, or new obstacle courses I could let the community rage over. (A good rage(; ). They say, if you enjoy your job, you never work a day in your life. So to me, I'm not making events for a job. Even if I don't get promoted to an entertainment staff, it will not stop me from doing what I love. That is why I consider event staff over "Normal staffing". Tell us about yourself: I love Minetown, if someone says "Minecraft" I automatically think of this amazing server. I've been a Minetowner for almost 2 years now, and I hope to continue to keep the years coming. I do have a job, I'm a DJ (Disc Jockey) in real life. My DJ name is as you could of guessed, DonkeyyKong or for short DJDK(: I absolutely love Dj'ing. My hobbies consist of longboarding, skateboarding, gaming, and DJ'ing. One little fact about me is that I have 37 pairs of headphones that I use for DJ'ing, and even a custom pair of "DJDK DJ'ing Headphones!" I hope you consider allowing me into the Entertainment Staff. Thank you SO much for reading and have a great day mate!
over 11 years ago
Awhh, Going to miss you dylan! You would always attend my events! I'll miss that, but I guess we all have to leave at one point.. So.. goodbye buddy! Have fun in real life! Lots of lerv <3 -Donkeyy <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":cry:">:cry:</object>
over 12 years ago
I hate it when girls stuff there bras.. like really what the hell? I mean one day you come in with B's and the next day you come in with D's.. Half the girls in my school do that.. <--Actual rant.
over 12 years ago
I hate it when you walk outside and someone throws a cow at you..
over 12 years ago