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[E] blackdust79
[E] blackdust79
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over 13 years ago
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over 6 years ago
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Minecraft Ingame Name: blackdust79 Age: 15 Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): Pacific time zone ( California, USA) Hours per weekdays and weekends do you play on Minetown Prison (Average): more often in summer or break but if given the position i would be on everyday but not every other weekend ( I dont have access to a computer every other weekend) How long have you been in MineTown: It would be two years on September 3rd Have you ever been banned before? Why?: Yes, around the time i started i griefed my friends mob spawner not knowing what it was and didn't think anything of it, i have learned not to do anything of the sort and to make sure its on my property before i dig it (heiwashin banned me that was an experience xD ) Do you have any previous or current experience with Minecraft administration?: i was a mod on a couple private servers so i know many commands and would be up for learning the new ones that have been added in the past updates Do you have any previous or current experience with Minecraft Prison administration?: No i do not but i would love to learn all the commands that the server has How are your PvP Skills?: Great! as long as the other person doesn't have a huge advantage in some way i am great with pvp, i was on the pvp server for awhile and the temp server a while back gave me some training (lol) Explain the concept of a Minecraft Prison Server: from the player point of view- you respect others and report other players that arent doing the same, pretty much you work and work and work and earn money and slowly move up through the different blocks then afterwards ESCAPE TO FREEDOM!!!!- from the officers point of view- it would be keeping pvp to a minimum and muting, jailing, and if necessary ban players that may be spamming, griefing, not obeying any of the rules, or in any way making it not a fun server for everybody else. Have you spoken much on Minetown Mumble?: I have spent a great deal of time on minetown mumbler, i usually only use it if i had a reason to like talking with people ingame instead of typing (makes communication much better) Do you have Skype?: I do have a skype it is blackdust709 and it automatically turns on when my computer does so just message or call me and i'll be there Why do you think you will make a good Officer/Sergeant on the Prison? Explain: I think that i would be a good officer/sergeant because i love making other people happy and the best way to make sure that others are happy is by pulling out the weeds in the garden ( garden meaning players that support the server and enjoy it and weeds meaning hackers, trolls, griefers, or people that are just flat out rude) Additional information you would like to tell us?: Nothing much that i havent already said, i am ready to devote my time to making sure the players on this server have a great time without those pesky weeds
over 11 years ago
ok, sorry
over 12 years ago
mmk ive heard that there was a problem with the ban plugin and it banned a bunch of people. I am pretty sure that, that is the problem because i havent been on to grief the event world and that was an old ban which may have somehow been reinstated
over 12 years ago
lol k <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f600.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":d">:d</object>
over 12 years ago