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Minecraft Ingame Name: Astrotheide Age: 18 Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): Central Standard Time. Hours per weekdays and weekends do you play on Minetown Prison (Average): 35-40 How long have you been in MineTown: I first started on Minetown back in July 2012! (Almost a year!) Have you ever been banned before? Why?: Never been banned, never plan on being banned either! Do you have any previous or current experience with Minecraft administration?: I used to own a Tekkit server, I used to host a server but sadly I ended up shutting it down because I had to move, and never really got back into hosting! Do you have any previous or current experience with Minecraft Prison administration?: I have little knowledge with a Prison server, but I am always keen to learn and I think that it will be easy! How are your PvP Skills?: I am a good PVPer. Explain the concept of a Prison: A prison server is basically your chance to go from rags to riches. You have 4 Blocks. D,C,B, and A, you are trying to make it past all of those blocks all the way to freedom. You are to mine, cut down trees, and gamble at the casino in order to reach your goal of freedom! (My favorite Minecraft server game I've played so far!) Have you spoken much on Minetown Mumble?: I have been on, but I'd like to start being on even more! Do you have Skype?: I do have a skype account. I will definitely send that information if chosen! Why do you think you will make a good Officer/Sergeant on the Prison? Explain: Because I know and understand the rules very well, and I also understand where the players are coming from, so I can be helpful, but at the same time still maintaining order. I prefer to be strict on the rules, but when a new player is on, I tend to go a tad bit easier on them. I also think that I will make a good sergeant / officer because I know when to draw the line. Although I have lots to learn, being a Trial Guard for the beta week has helped be grasp the concept of being apart of a Prison server, and it has taught me the rules and general guidelines. Also, considering I have never dropped the soap, I'd say I am pretty good at playing the server myself, so I will be able to communicate that knowledge to others that are playing on the server. Additional information you would like to tell us?: Nothing at this moment. I may add some more information at a later date. Thank you for reviewing my Application! Try not to drop the soap and have an amazing day!
over 11 years ago
I'm being serious.... I was mad, I went on the server, got even more mad because I had nothing on there(prison server) so I did that... I'm not gonna do it again, but whatever I'm probably way too far behind everyone on the server now anyways... Guess I kinda wanted to be banned. If you want to un-ban me, I won't X-ray or anything again, but if not, then it's whatever. Andrew
over 11 years ago
Well.... I've been caught....... To be honest, I was x-raying... I got so mad at myself earlier that day because my girlfriend had dumped me, and I ended up taking my anger out on the server..... I am really sorry, and I promise never to cheat ever again on any other server... I would really love a second chance, but at the same time I understand if you really think I shouldn't be allowed to play on the server any more.... I just want to apoligise to whoever had to look up those logs because I know that takes time out of your day where you could be improving the server.... I'd really like another chance, and I would greatly appreciate the opportunity. Please un-ban me from the server, the past week has been super boring, and I really miss playing... Sorry for the lying, cheating, and wasting your time.... Andrew Strotheide
over 11 years ago
Lmao, I tried to break out as well:P He sounds like a true convict to me.... anyways, I was banned too lol.... guess the mods didn't have a good day, and decided to take it out on people lmao:P
over 11 years ago