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[E] antonyoo
[E] antonyoo
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over 13 years ago
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over 9 years ago
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I am confused. Could someone tell me what happened? Thank you.
over 12 years ago
Dagon_Zaros wrote: These seem a little steep...wouldn't it be cheaper to buy it with cash at that point? When you donate normally, you would get 1.250 MTC per dollar, which is far off from 10,000 MTC per dollar. Unless you are trying to encourage people to still use $ to pay. Although I do believe that the server still encourages using real money for WE, I do not think that the credit bonus of 1250 mtc should be compared to the cost of 10,000 mtc. You get many more benefits by donating than simply the 1250 credits. Also, this serves to sink mtc.
over 12 years ago
Ingame username: antonyoo Time of kick/warn: Dozens of times in the past three hours. Why NoCheat Kicked/warned you: It said I was fastbreaking blocks. Detailed information on what you were actually doing at the time: I was mining without using any hacks/cheats/non-allowed mods. Any additional information you might find useful (mods, lag, etc.): When I break iron blocks with my non-echanted diamond pickaxe, I do not get the warning. When I break coal and redstone ore blocks with my Fortune and EFF dia pickaxe, I constantly get the warning. Thank you.
over 12 years ago