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[E] YodaCoconuts
[E] YodaCoconuts
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over 10 years ago
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over 10 years ago
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Hello YouFoundMe, I just want to say that im sorry for all the trouble I have caused on your sever. I did not mean to do it me and princepablo10 were just having fun. So Im asking you to forgive us and let both of us back on your server. Thanks for your time.
over 10 years ago
Username: YodaCoconuts When you were banned : December 31 2014 Person who banned you: Slurth Reason you were banned: I got banned for something i did not do. I was standing next to princepablo10 when i went afk. When i came back he griefed a huge chuck of land and then BunnyReaper saw us and thought it was both of us. I tryed to tell him it was just princepablo10 but he got slurth to banned us both. I realy think that only princepablo10 should be banned and not me. I would never grief another players land. please unbanned me so i can once again play on your awesome server thank you.
over 10 years ago