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[E] Xinferno33
[E] Xinferno33
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over 11 years ago
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over 11 years ago
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Yes that is what i took i think, and i set my home in there because i thought i might live around the area (I now realize that this may have been breaking the rules in the building guidelines). i will return all the items stolen to Schakl and make sure to apologize to him also. I know now that I broke the building guidelines rule and the being considerate to other players, for I should have thought before taking the iron blocks about who might own them. I will try to make sure to follow these rules in future experiences. Thank you
over 11 years ago
It was wrong of me to do this, I justified this to myself by saying that this is unclaimed land, even though I shouldn't have. If you let me back on i'll make sure that this never happens again. Thank you.
over 11 years ago
Please unban me i had know idea that i wasn't supposed to steal from places if they were not claimed
over 11 years ago
Username: Xinferno33 Date of Ban: 10/25/13 Person who banned me: I don't know Reason of ban: Griefing the house of Shakl (I believe this is his username) Server: Agharta Server
over 11 years ago
"I am new to Minetown Main server and I got banned for stealing, though i didn't know that i wasn't supposed to." Xinferno33--I do not know who banned be--i was banned for stealing iron blocks from Schackl--I would be pleased if i could be unbanned--Thank you for your consideration
over 11 years ago