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over 8 years ago
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over 6 years ago
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Thank you (: you to.
over 7 years ago
Greetings fellow people from minetown, Lately I have lost interest in minecraft and have decided to stop playing the game altogether. I would like to thank the staff team for being so friendly, efficient and just awesome <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object> also I would like to thank TOOS for being such awesome and friendly people. And thanks to the community for being so active and helpful. I have had some great memories on minetown so thank you all for that. I wish you all the best and I hope minetown stays just as perfect a server as it is now. Hopefully someday I come back or maybe ill get on every now and then but for now, cya! Staff, this part of the message is for you. All my items, claims, MTC and everything else now belong to kaykorean. Whatever Kay doesn't want can stay where it is. Thanks again for everything, I will try to get on the site here every fortnight or so to keep in contact. -Taco
over 7 years ago
And out of shock I died.....
over 7 years ago
To be honest the KDR doesn't really matter. You can just fake rival someone that doesnt care about there KDR and kill them repeatedly and gain a crap tonn so its not very accurate. My clan and I where trying to get each others heads the other day and Kay ended up being killed 60 times but her KDR is still 0.6 which still puts her at 19th on the whole server KDR leaderboard. I mean if u really really want to have like 2 or more KDR then buy your own head (like doc said)
over 8 years ago
I totally agree with u mate. Happy 2nd year anniversary!
over 8 years ago