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over 7 years ago
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over 7 years ago
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About Me: - My name is Brandon, I'm 17 years of age. - I play CS:GO. Minecraft, GMod and Xbox One. I'm a guitarist and I enjoy singing to people on multiple discord. - I used to do media in college level 3 1st, I left because the people on the course weren't anything that I anticipated. They were no help at all and they were not kind at all. - I did my GCSE's, but I didn't do too well but that doesn't stop me from trying to reach goals that I set for myself. My Skills: - I code HTML/CSS. - I'm a guitarist. - I can write stories very well and music too. - I've been playing guitar for 7 years. - I'm also a cook in a takeaway(My Job) My Availability: - I'm available to play on Mondays anywhere from morning to late evening. - On Tuesday's my availability is exactly the same. - On Wednesday's I have work from 4pm to 9/10pm UTC. - On Thursday's my availability is the same as Mon/Tue. - On Friday's I have work which is exactly the same as Wed. - On Saturday's I have work again, the same time as Fri, Wed. - On Sunday's I'ts the same as my free days. My Socials: - Snapchat - somewhitedude63 - Facebook - PM ME FOR IT. - Instagram - Brandonnperks - Steam - http://steamcommunity.com/id/XLSnotasmurf - http://steamcommunity.com ... s/76561198133848949/
over 7 years ago
<object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object> Thankyou very much
over 7 years ago
============= Username: UK{BP When you were banned : Oh god, it was back in 2014 i think... It doesn't say when I try to Re-join Person who banned you: I cannot remember, it was a few years ago... Reason you were banned: Fly hacking(I was young and very immature, I'm 17 now and a lot more respectful and mature aha) =============
over 7 years ago