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[E] Stickle
[E] Stickle
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over 13 years ago
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over 13 years ago
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So iv just got home from work to find iv been jailed. Please could you proved why i have been jailed and how i can bypass being jailed if it's possible. Last time i was on was like 2am or somthing and i was building my shop next to my 2 massive houses. Then i thought i would play some Snd on the game called "Call of duty MW3". after playing some games i come online to find iv been jail for along time. and i thought right iv go to work and i will be un-jailed thinking it was a test or somthing because it's the new jail (SandStone one) so i was like ok i might as well go to work and come home to play with some mates to chill out after doing a hard day of work. So i come online and im still jailed for about 114Mins that just under 2 hours. So as you can guess im thinking WTF. The person that jailed me was Zionia0000 the new mod. Also Zionia Congratz on the mod you are very frendly and willing to help in-Game such as setting up my warps and protections
over 13 years ago
Oh wtf i don't remember that. sorry if i did. what spawners was they? I will gvie you like 3 Stacks for gold if you would like that in return it probly my brother he stays mine on weekends when im at work. Sorry Paker =S Also why would he need to use a table thing i have a room with like 3 in with lots of books around it.
over 13 years ago
Username: Jackm4372 When you were banned : Today about 2 hours ago or somthing Person who banned you: Zionia Reason you were banned: Says i robbed some guy called Parker (spawner)... but i don't have any spawners or been selling any spawns iv just been making legit things with a guy called Tomallsop16 and shardy96. we have build lots together i even got a shop on their. i don't need to rob people and i don't have the time too. Please could you provide me proof that i have stole of this parker guy please because iv been playing legitment and iv earnt all my items legit or bought them from other players. Thanks
over 13 years ago