I find this SOPA thing really annoying. They have managed to close down Megaupload & Megavideo, A site that hundreds, thousands even, use! And also, the Megaupload founders have been arrested, which I think is absolutely stupid, the internet is changing so much, and it's just annoying. I only found out about this SOPA thing Wednesday because of the thing on Minecraft, but then I looked it up, and I found it extremely PATHETIC The internet will be dead soon, nothing on it apart from crap. Here is something I read about the MegaUpload site: "On Thursday, the FBI and other US-based law enforcement officials effectively shuttered MegaUpload, while detaining top executives at the company. MegaUpload founder Kim Schmidtz, aka Kim Dotcom, and other top executives at MegaUpload have been arrested for operating what has been billed a massive, copyright-infringing, racketeering, and money-laundering operation. At last count, 7 were indicted, with the New York Times reporting that 3 executives remain at large." Apparently a lot of sites have been hacked because of this SOPA & PIPA Thing! I'm totally against SOPA.