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[E] Skylol_
[E] Skylol_
Enjin Archive
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over 3 years ago
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about 1 year ago
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Player wanting to claim: Skylol_ Current Owner of claim: WolfzzzXoXo XYZ Location of claim:-2165, -1510 and -2191, -1517 Screenshot of land: at the bottom Reasons for wanting to claim the land: Wolf is a friend of me and the 2 claims are in the way to extend my base and would like to get it removed Contacted the owner? (Ingame and Forums
over 2 years ago
Player wanting to claim: Skylol_ Current Owner of claim: WolfzzzXoXo XYZ Location of claim:-2165, -1510 and -2191, -1517 Screenshot of land: at the bottom Reasons for wanting to claim the land: Wolf is a friend of me and the 2 claims are in the way of my base and would like to get it removed Contacted the owner? (Ingame and Forums
over 3 years ago
Player wanting to claim: __Skylol_ Current Owner of claim: WackJob XYZ Location of claim: X: 3791 Z: -7896 Reasons for wanting to claim the land: My clan and I are trying to claim an island. This claim is blocking a part of the island. We only want an unclaim we actually like the build there. Screenshot of land:
over 3 years ago