1. Minecraft Ingame Name: Lemminjoose 2. Age: 36 3. Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): CST 4. Hours per week you play on Minetown Main (Average): As crazy as it sounds, at least 40 hours. 5. How long have you been in Minetown: Approximately 3 months. 6. Any close friends you play with on Minetown?: Yes 7. Have you ever been banned before? Why?: No 8. Do you have any previous or current experience with Minecraft administration? (Please Explain): no 9. Have you spoken much on Minetown Discord?: Yes 10. Why do you think you will make a good moderator on Minetown? Explain: I believe that I have a decent, level head, I consider myself to be fair-minded, I have been in leadership positions in other MMOs and I believe that I know what it takes to maintain a healthy online environment where everyone can feel safe and enjoy themselves. 11. Additional info you would like to tell us?: I love this place, I really do. I know I haven't been on the server as long as some, but I have been very active since i joined and I believe I have made some good friends in that time. I want nothing more for the server than for it to remain a fun and safe environment for everyone.