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[E] Pillowman25
[E] Pillowman25
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over 13 years ago
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over 6 years ago
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@426160 wrote: Also, just as a side note, it's pretty ironic that at least a couple of the people posting in this thread are the same people who used to be so vocal about the lag caused by too many players on at once back before the hub and other servers were made. Just throwing that out there... More players=More donations=More donation money being spent towards server upgrades That isn't the case though, is it. Most of the donations, or so we're told, are going towards the new servers. I know this is kind of getting off topic, but I would love to see a donation graph and where the money is going. This IS a player run server afterall, don't we deserve to see how our money is being spent?
over 11 years ago
@298922 wrote: Increasing on the wrong servers, and decreasing on the ones that matter the most. Main is what should be the focus... And I can agree with bennett on this. I've had a PE open for a month that required an OP to complete it. It has of yet to have to be completed. Bennett and I are not the only ones noticing this. I simply personally feel that while the staff have their lives and their personal tastes on what they wish to do or where they play, and how long they play at it, I feel still that certain staff members put their gaming time before their personal duties of being a staff member. It was why they were "hired" for their job after all. To help manage the server. Anything less, I really can't help but see as dereliction of duty. Sorry, personal opinion. As I've ALWAYS wanted to mention, everyone is complaining how we have a decreased amount of players....then STOP MAKING MORE SERVERS. Hey I'm not saying more servers don't add to the fun but this action continuously lowers every servers player population. Is a main 2 really necessary? It's only going to be lowering main servers population, going against the usual chatter of 'this new server is going to attract many new players'. All we should have had is the Main server and the creative server. All of these servers just spread out our already diminishing community and disconnect most of us in-game. This issue is something you guys gotta look at logically. I love the idea of adding more servers but if it's just going to have a negative effect on the population, then don't complain!
over 11 years ago
Too bad the last time I checked 3D printers are expensive as hell
over 11 years ago
I would watch out for that guy, don't wanna get in his way
over 11 years ago
Animoto. Nothing special here.
over 11 years ago