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Mine and Glimp's IP were identical because Glimp was on my computer that day. He's my irl friend. I don't know what happened with the Dancraft incident.
over 12 years ago
IGN: Palonti Date you were banned: Late-May 2012, can’t remember the exact date. Person who banned you: I think it was DanniDorrito or Irethena. Reason you were banned: It’s quite complicated… but I was supposedly “making multiple forum accounts and harassing other players”. Server: Main ============================================================================================================================================================================== Hey guys. It’s been just over 4 months and I’ve finally got around to posting my appeal . I’ve been missing Minetown quite a bit and I don’t want my builds to go to waste (HSTown, Paloholm, etc.)… I also believe I deserve to be unbanned after thinking over what roughly happened, a great deal of why I was banned was common misunderstanding. I was banned after my friend, glimpercage, raged in my name, prior to the time of my ban, on the in-game chat (generally being abusive to Coffeey, TPrezzle, and others). I understand what it says in the rules “if your name is connected to a rule-break, you are 100% responsible for it” and I take the responsibility on letting glimpercage on my account to mess around. I’m also aware I was blamed to be the cause of the Dancraft incident (I’ve been accused of impersonating Dancraft, and did not know this until after I was banned). I can’t really say anything about this incident with Dancraft, I don’t even know what happened. But because of this incident, Danni accused me of using a fake Dancraft account to harass the real Dancraft. I couldn’t imagine why I would ever do that to him; he’s a good friend, and I await his return to Minetown. Where the incident blew off was when glimpercage went onto Minetown, I remember they talked a bit, then Coffeey, TPrezzle, etc. were being disrespectable towards him. Glimpercage threw off a rage, probably to be funny, and I think I did find it funny back then. I also remember thinking I didn’t have much to do; my work was almost done as I had two towns and was making a bigger one out of them both, so I thought I could leave Constructium to HS... on further thought between the ban and the appeal, I would be letting down The Construct, which is the faction in Minetown I was part of, and wish to return to. I also thought if Coffeey and others were eager to be so disrespectful, they certainly don’t want me on the server… at the time I did have a bit of a grudge against Coffeey because of his lack of respect and TPrezzle because he was too stubborn towards me. Soon after this happened, Coffeey told me on the forums that I was banned. A few days after my ban, I checked back onto ‘glimpercage’ and saw I had 3 messages… one of them, the only notable message, was a laid-back reply from Luggious about MY intention to “pretend to leave Minetown” and “see how Coffeey reacts to… Palonti’s cousin” (this was not sent by me, but glimpercage. I guess he wanted to make Coffeey mad, like it was intended. I also didn’t realise it until I checked the profile. In addition, if you’re a bit confused about this, I and Glimp are not related in any obvious way). My ‘cousin’ turned out to be irrelevant as glimpercage said he was a friend of mine from then, especially during his visit to Minetown (obviously he was lying). However, before Luggious’s message, I found out that he was trying to frame me for lying and making this plan. I reacted negatively to this, making it obvious that I felt I was being betrayed by a good friend of mine on Minetown and calling him a “sick bastard”. I’d like to say I am deeply sorry to Luggious for ever doubting him - as I was denying proof that he obviously had, but I didn’t know he had any valid evidence. In short, I have nothing to do with the Dancraft incident. Glimpercage (who I know in real life) was around my place the day I got banned. He was on Enjin with his brand new account on my computer under my permission. He was going to make a Minecraft account but then realised it wasn’t free, which led to the incident in-game about him saying Coffeey’s and TPrezzle’s families burn in hell, they die in a fire, choke on a rope, all that immature stuff which was supposed to be a stupid joke - a little thing to laugh about and mock them for - in which I apologise on his behalf for. I can honestly say I had no intention to pretend to be someone else (and this applies to BOTH Dancraft and Glimper, who people have directly accused me of being), nor did I even impersonate them at all. For what I did do, including my inconvenience to the server and whatever else I did to make Minetown look like a bad server, I am incredibly sorry. This would include my disruptive behaviour against Coffeey, and the incident with Glimpercage, to name some. I understand humans always make mistakes, and I am looking to atone for the mistakes I made (otherwise I wouldn’t even be disputing my ban). I’m hoping you will let me back on as I can say I really liked the server back then, and I’m missing it a good deal right now. If I get unbanned, I will make sure your choice wasn’t the wrong one… I can at least get back to building Constructium and more, and become a better member of the community to repair my dwindling reputation later on (that’s why I wanted to join Minetown; I believed I could be a good member of the community who would be helpful and fun, maybe even a mod. However I doubt that will be happening any time soon). If I have missed out anything at all that you need to know, please don’t be hesitant to ask for more detail. In my attempts to bring out the important stuff about the story, I could’ve missed out some details which you may need. To finish off my appeal, I think I deserve to be unbanned because I believe I will become a better member of the community. I’ll be a bit more considerate to the rules (meaning no other idiots are coming on the server on my account). Also, I wish to build bigger and better things for Minetown’s players, and Minetown itself to better its reputation (as far as I know, my huge city Constructium isn’t done yet, and I am really eager to finish that with HS1342). It’s been 4 months, I’ve changed (for the better). This is my first real ban on Minetown, and I promise I’ll give more respect to Minetown and its rules if the committee give a second chance. And if anything happens, I’ll just leave quietly. Thanks for reading the appeal to this point. I hope you, the moderators of minetown, consider my ban and respond in an appropriate manner, even if that might not be what I like. Whatever it is, I’m sure you will make the right choice. The Minetown moderators have been excellent during my time on the server and I am confident they are still the same awesome people that I knew! I’d like to hear a verdict soon, but I understand if this issue requires time and I will wait as long as it takes to get back onto Minetown! - Palonti ==============================================================================================================================================================================
over 12 years ago
I'm aware of this. I've also been blamed for the Dancraft incident... which proves the mods have something against me. If I come back to make an appeal, I'll find out a bit of stuff about computers beforehand... maybe discover how all this happened. For now, it isn't worth nothing.
over 13 years ago
Thank you XCoaster. You've been a good friend here on Minetown. However the chance of me considering coming back is slim. I don't want any more shit to happen so I will leave. Also thank you to HS1342, Luggious, PokemonGardevoir, Nick663, Dunsjohn and more... you've been good people <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>
over 13 years ago
Quitting Minetown forever... This is due to Coffeey, TPrezzle, Landr0, Ikailaz and Slurth. Just when I considered donating, exams came up and those five were being idiots. I left temporarily because of exams, but the unfriendliness of those five to my friend glimpercage was unforgivable. I'm not going to tolerate them and their shit, so I'm quitting forever. I'm sorry for those who will miss me, it's been great knowing everyone... but there's always a group of bullies to mess everything up. Minetown's changed for the worse, and I'm not happy with it. I would honestly be more mature about this, but I need to make sure a message is given. Now that my message has been given and hopefully received, I will just go... I'm sorry.
over 13 years ago