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[E] Mulixman33
[E] Mulixman33
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over 13 years ago
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over 11 years ago
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Name: Mulixman33 Banned for: (As I said before it wasnt me who did it) Stealing spawners Banner:??? Look im sorry for what happend. My question is what is the location/cordinates to the warp and my favor to ask...i just want to be on for atleast one day and thats it. I just want to give back to all the community and all the good people. I dont care if you reply to this...just tell me if you have read this. -Mulixman33 Mod Edit: Link to other server was unnecessary.
over 13 years ago
Mulixman33 Date Unknown Banner Unknown I was apparently banned for taking pigspawner... BUT my friend got on my account and did it. Im telling the truth but as the rules say im responsible for what others due on my account. Tell Bora im sorry for what happend... if an admin or mod or whoever gets my property to tell them take care of it and give my belongings to others who need it.Im guessing this is the last time ill be on Minetown. It was fun and in my opinion the BEST SERVER ON MINECRAFT. -Mulixman33 for the last time i guess....Goodbye
over 13 years ago