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[E] MuffinTime
[E] MuffinTime
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over 4 years ago
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over 3 years ago
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Player wanting to claim: Muffin_Time_ Current Owner of claim: JessicaRabit XYZ Location of claim: X: 6680.36 Y: 40.00 Z: -5862.43 and X: 6725.48 Y: 32.00 Z: -5929.51 Screenshot of land: Reasons for wanting to claim the land: I would like to claim the land because the ocean monument doesn't look too altered and still in its original condition and I would like to make a guardian farm or a base in it. Contacted the owner? (Ingame and Forums) -PROVIDE PROOF-:
over 3 years ago
Name: Night_Rider171 Person who banned him: MatthewIsAnApple Reason he was banned: Harrassing players, Not listening to staff, You had 6 chances and did not listen Hello, I am Hazel_Not_Girl, and I was there when night was banned. I know that the ban may not be removed because of all the chances he was given. He was teleporting to BW_6, Craftmaster9108, and LazyCookie. He was trapped on the nether roof with lava and logged on half a heart. I am not trying to report them, Im just trying to tell the story. I know it was in the nether and the nether is lawless. I spoke with BW_6 and craft in a attempt to convince them to remove the trap. BW told me the trap would be removed and so did craft. BW said he will splash a lingering pot of healing when he joined. Craft said the trap would be removed the next day and he cannot play until then. I did not believe BW but still told night to join. When night joined he was killed by lazy and BW kept the gear as extra gear, according to craft. BW then texted me on discord saying he would keep the stuff for a week and if Night does one more thing, It would come back with curses of vanishing and binding or not come back at all. Again, I am not reporting anyone, I just want to tell what happened. Then the Craftburg tournament started. I told night to stop so he would get the stuff back, but he didn't. He kept interrupting the tournament and he was kicked from the PRC clan. Then he told me he would stop if he got the stuff back. When I told BW this, it was too late. He got banned. I know it seems illogical to send a ban appeal about this, but I say we should give him one last chance. To everyone else Night is one big troll, but as his brother I can say he will stop and be a good player. I hope you reconsider the decision of a 5 month ban and shorten it. Thank you for your time.
over 4 years ago
Helper Application 1. Minecraft Ingame Name: Hazel_Not_Girl (Past name: HazelGamertah) 2. Age:13, 14 in 2 months 3. Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): Central Standard Time 4. Hours per week you play on Minetown Main (Average):Abt 20h I think 5. How long have you been in Minetown: I think About 3-5 months Idk really 6. Any close friends you play with on Minetown?: CraftMaster9108, _DarkSaber_, BlueGuardian, BluePixelNinja, Other people I dont remember 7. Have you ever been banned before? Why?: I was but it was not my fault. Night_Rider171 got banned as Dream664, And I joined because mods thought I was Night but it was me. 8. Do you have any previous or current experience with Minecraft administration? (Please Explain): I would use to go to small servers and help them with builds and things, But not really on big servers. 9. Have you spoken much on Minetown Discord?: I have spoken on the discord and I check #Announcements/ 10. Why do you think you will make a good moderator on Minetown? Explain: I think I am responsible and I want to help the server And Im not just doing this for the sake of just having mod And be like "Do as I say im mod" I think I can actually help the server 11. Additional info you would like to tell us?: Night_Rider171 Is my brother and I have nothing to do with what he does and I try to get him to stop. Thank you for reading this and I hope you let me help this server.
over 4 years ago