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[E] MrBigMike123
[E] MrBigMike123
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over 10 years ago
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over 10 years ago
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1. I want you to explain why xraying is bad beyond just saying what I have said above. You have to prove to me that you understand the mistake you made and how it can harm the server. - Xraying is bad because it can give me an advantage especially on a survival based server. 2. I want an apology to the players of Minetown for cheating. - I am truly sorry to all of the players of MineTown and I will never ever use any mods on the server again. 3. I want you to take some time, reread the rules and respond that you have done so. - I have reread all of the rules an di understand if you want me to take some time from the server.
over 10 years ago
Username:MrBigMike123 When you were banned : February 19,2015 Person who banned you:Pljz Reason you were banned: First I would like to say I'm sorry. Here's what happened, some of my friends were using the mod and I decided to try it out myself. After I was warned I used it once more and then I was banned. I understand the consequences and I am ready to accepting them. I hope I can get back on soon and if not that's ok. For one more time I am truly sorry and I understand why I am banned.
over 10 years ago