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Name: Luke Country: United States Age: 15 Timezone: Central US Timezone Minecraft Username: Lynx_Evolved Which Server: Factions 1. Why do you think you would make a good staff member? Why are you applying for mod? For this first question, I decided to tell you all about my history through Dancraft, Since all of the reasons I think I would make a good staff member are all in #5. So it started when I first got my Minecraft account. I played singleplayer for a bit and got bored within a week, So I moved onto Multiplayer, I found a factions server called "Webcraft" I joined and fell in love of it, I don't know what it was. The nice people, The appreciative staff, Or what. I don't know what kept me on the server. For some reason I actually played on it for a long time, Then I decided to donate. It was a very small server (about 15-20 people) and after I donated, I could get access to a bunch of different things. Even /time and /weather, I played on the server for multiple more months until the owner said they were going to change the name and they wanted OUR HELP. I didn't pick the name and the owner decided on a name called "Dancraft" It was no longer a "Craft" server, It was hardcore and people actually pvp'd. I had no idea that the server would become this popular. After the name change and the change of server concept. The server grew to about 50 average people every day. It steadily increased as I "Grew Up" Playing Dancraft. I loved back then when I was one of the few donators, Back when I had a 1 skeleton spawner that was the best thing in the game. But I don't want those things back, I love what has happend with the server and am proud to say I have stayed with this server for 3 years! I have loved it ever since the day I joined it. Thank you, Josh I think/believe I should be helper for a couple reasons, 1: I could help eliminate hackers, spammers, And advertisers. 2: I also have much experience with staff on popular servers, Just one example would be Admin on a 100+ player server. 3: I would bring back punishments to staff disrespect/racism. I see that this occurs too often and think that is should have higher consequences than what it does at the moment.Just by logging on in-game, You can tell that there are multiple people that are breaking the rules, With the constant disrespect and racism. The hackers on the server due to the amazing increase of the server is insane. There is probably about 1/5 of the Dancraft community hacking. I would like to become Moderator to overall increase the enjoyment of the server and ensuring that users can get fast help from the staff members in any way possible, If it be staff trades, forum help, advise, or just overall help from someone. But the players cannot get this help when the staff is not online or the staff is busy. 2. How long have you been playing on this server? I have been player Dancraft from when it was first starting out, It Was the best Factions server. It had an average player base of 50+. So I would say I am approaching 3 long years of this amazing server. 3. Are you currently staff, or applying to be staff on any other server? I am not currently staff; Nor am I applying to be staff on any other servers. That meaning I will be able to use all of my time for dancraft. I have been staff on numerous popular servers so I know what to do. 4. Have You Ever Been Banned On Other Servers? Why? Explain In Detail: Of course, Whoever says they haven't are obvious liars. I have been playing on the server for 3 whole years. You think I wasn't banned. Think about it, I started the server 3 years ago; I was 12 years old and like every other 12 year old, I hacked. I have learned my lesson a long time ago after being banned so many times. Also, I just wanted to say. To everyone who has been here and thinks I am still immature, I'm not. I am 15 years old, Not 12; I have grown up and hope you can accept that. 5. What Are Two Ways You Can Help Improve Dancraft? There are many reasons that I believe of how I can make this server better. A: Eliminating Hackers, The population of the server has increased dramatically and of course, Due to that so have the hackers, With Helper, I would be posting on ban reports, informing Kreeg, Turret, Chinese. about the reports. B: Spammers/Adverts: If it be someone spamming, Someone Advertising, Or someone spam advertising, I believe I could help with it for these reasons: If it was a spammer the consequences would result in this, 1st: Warning (Rare) 2nd: Kick, 3rd: Kick (Rare) 4th: Tempban if necessary, After that I would let Mod+ deal with it as I have no other permissions, All of these consequences are based on the excessiveness of it. Now adverts: Nobody likes them, And when you advertise on a big server, The only members you will get will be angry people talking crap about you advertising. So we just put a stop to it, There are no warnings for advertising, I would screenshot/record the proof, And I would tempban and contact higher staff to deal with it as I have no other permissions. C: No Staff Disrespect (Also known as #<object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby="8)">8)</object> Is not resulting in any consequences, It is in the rules and therefore should be dealt with. I can see an increase of both the number of people DOING the staff disrespect and an increase in the people CONTROLLING the staff disrespect. D: Ban reports: As many have noticed the forum threads are spammed with ban reports and very rarely will you find any other thread, Such as "Off-Topic" or even "General Discussion" I want to help the forums also by lowering the amount of hackers, Therefore not having more ban reports than we need. This overall would increase the enjoyment of the server. E: Staff Trades: In game you see trades every couple of minutes, "Staff Trade Only" Is usually in this, I can help this by putting this as my prime option to do, Unless I have something much more important (VERY rare, Due to I would only be a "Helper"). But sometimes there is no staff on to do the staff trades, I could help because I will be on very much SEE #8. And very rarely would there be no staff members online to help assist in staff trades. People could get the trades done quick and easy without a problem. Overall with the more staff trades the Dancraft community would be more trustworthy. F: Racism: You see it all over, The forums: Which if it was on the forums, I would report it to Kreeg/Dota/Turret/ (Don't know what forum permissions Chinesepoker has but if he can help I would contact him too) But in game, I would 1st: Kick, 2nd: Kick 3rd: Kick and talk to Moderator+ about the issue going on with the person, I would also record/screenshot and post on forums, Just in case staff needs that kind of proof without having to take more time to check logs. G: I am unbias and honest: I know this is a small one but I thought I had to include it, I don't care if its my arch enemy, Or my best friend, I'm going to take matters into my own hands and put the same consequences whoever it is. I give my honest opinion on the topic and do not even lie because it is over a game. H: I am overall helpful: If it is In-Game, Answering peoples questions to the best of my ability, Or redirecting them to a staff member, Or on the forums, I would do the same thing but can usually help more due to on the forums the staff and the players have mostly the same permissions, Although helpers can lock threads and all that. With "Helper / mod" people will listen more, And believe you. I get alot of shit only because I am not "Helper / mod" and I am trying to help.. 6. If You Were In A Situation That You Are Not Suited To Handle, What Would You Do? My prime choice would be to try to solve it myself. If I could not do that, I would ask a higher rank to try to help. If no other staff member was on which will happen a lot, I would record the proof and give it to a higher staff rank, Or I would just post on the forums. If no staff was online, And I could not resolve it myself, And the matter of the problem had to remain private, I would private message dota on the forums with the available proof, And I would /mail him ingame to ensure the fastest resolution possible. 7. Will You Be Active On The Website? Of course, I check the website very often and am on at the same time I am in-game. I would say I am on the website a multiple hours a day. You can also tell I am active due to my post count on the forums. 8. How many days are you on the server? I am not very active at the moment due to Family may be on soon, After that I am going to be on 7 days a week like any staff member should. 9. How many hours are you on the server for? Like I said in #8; I am not active at the moment, After my Nan gets better I will be on: Monday: 4:00pm - 11:00pm Tuesday: 4:00pm - 5:15pm and 6:30pm - 11:00pm (Less time due to sports.) Wednesday: 4:00pm - 11:00pm Thursday: 4:00pm - 5:15pm and 6:30pm - 11:00pm (Again less time due to sports.) Friday: Noon - 3:00am Saturday: Noon - 3:30am Sunday: Noon - 11:00pm 10. Will you be on the website the same time you're online ingame? Like I said in #7 I said I have the website open at the same time I am playing, So the answer is yes. 11. Do you have some sort of "Recording Software" to record players who are hacking? I have iShowU HD (for mac) A No-Lag $29.99 USD application, That I use for gaming, So the answer is yes. Contact me on: Skype: Noob_killer2000 Email: Other Information:-- Rules: Show
over 10 years ago