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[E] LordBones
[E] LordBones
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over 13 years ago
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over 13 years ago
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Lord_Bones;595687 wrote: Click the above image or click here to watch! A Machinima adventure quest map, concentrating on Story and Gameplay. Attempting to push the boundaries of possibilities I am on a Mission to create an adventure map that not only holds a strong believable story line but also fun, enjoyable and requires thought with gameplay and puzzles.Aiming to grab your attention through 'Minivideo' clips, the story telling method is like no other. Link to the Adventure Map: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1066038-adventurequest-maptruuth-a-new-age/ Note Zero: You are the prisoner of an Uras airship for participating in treason against King Bubli, sitting in front of you is your childhood friend Vir who too participated in the treason. He informs you of a bomb planted near to the prison cells and that it is soon to go off. Breif History: 43 years ago a war was started between the Helka and the Uras over the assassination of King Nikdarla. As the King to bring a unity between the two Kingdoms and therefore between the 6 allied Kingdoms the event that took place sparked the greatest and largest war to date. It ended after 20 years when the Uras blew up the parliamentary houses of Helka, Kusu and Jkilio winning by default. Since the war, Uras has ruled over the six kingdoms with an iron fist demanding much of the residence, high taxes and mass slavery. The Uras control a group of soldiers known as “The G”. These Soldiers are present throughout the Kingdoms and ensure that nobody steps out of line and the people keep within the strict line of the law.
over 13 years ago