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[E] KuSi833
[E] KuSi833
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over 13 years ago
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over 13 years ago
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Username: KuSi833 When you were banned : 11.5.2012. Person who banned you: unknown Reason you were banned: I griefed spetznaz0's farm (sugar cane and wheat). I'm really sorry for grifeing he's precious farm. I braked some blocks too but I didn't destroy anything big. I will give hem all he's stuff back (10 stacks of sugar cane, 4 stacks of wheat and 6 or more cacti. I will never, do that again. I'm not sure why I did this but I will be a great person now and never repeat this again. Yeah, grifeing is really bad and I'm really sorry for that. I would be really happy if you give me a second chance.
over 13 years ago