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[E] Knight of the Zodiac
[E] Knight of the Zodiac
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over 9 years ago
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Username: LucasHarutunian When you were banned : Sometime on or around 4/16/2021. Exact date not known. Person who banned you: Not known. Could have been Bumpy, but I am not sure. Sorry. Reason you were banned: "Threatening people on Minetown" according to the ban message screen. I was told to make a second ban appeal at least one month after the first one, which was rejected, so here I am. I understand that what I did was wrong. I understand that this kind of thing has no place on Minetown and that it also has the potential to negatively reflect on the server. If I could take back what I said, I would do it in an instant without any hesitation. I regret what I said, in a very poor lapse of judgement. I apologize. With another chance, I will happily follow the orders I have been given in terms of what not to say as with all the other rules, of course. During my ban, I have noticed something about Minetown. The community of players and staff are so uniquely colorful (for lack of better words). I felt like there was an odd silence, being disconnected from this lively community. I didn't even bother trying to find another server to play on during the duration of my ban because I knew I wouldn't find anything that could come close to Minetown. I promise that an infraction like this will never happen again. I respectfully ask the Minetown administration to grant me another chance, for which I would be very grateful, to be a part of this vibrant community and wonderful server. I have been on this server for about five years, and I hope that I will be able to continue with my experience here.
over 3 years ago
Username: LucasHarutunian When you were banned : Apr. 15, 2021 Person who banned you: Not sure. Maybe Bumpy? But not sure. Sorry. Reason you were banned: I don't want to violate the terms I agreed to, so I'd rather not explain it here. I was abiding by the terms, just setting up some things (clan restructuring and ignoring some players) when I tried to type the ignore command. I got some error. I just sent a message in chat for anyone who may have been in console that I couldn't get it to work and it may be broken. I typed the command differently, it worked. I got banned after that, seemingly because I violated the terms I had just agreed to... but I don't think I did. Anyways, I'd like a chance to actually finish the restructuring of my clan so that I can hold up my end of the agreement and follow the terms I agreed to. Thanks. (I've been here a while, and I prefer it not end this way. I just want to follow the terms I agreed to) Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't read through properly. It says I threatened someone on Minetown. The closest thing I could have made to a threat to a person on Minetown is to execute the ignore command and end a clan allyship. I didn't know that is the kind of threat which can be considered. If this is the case, I didn't know about that, sorry. If a member of staff is interested, I would prefer to talk about it privately and have the terms temporarily waived during this conversation because I feel like I would violate them while trying to explain myself. Again, thanks. Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying there should be no punishment, I am just saying that a permanent one is a bit harsh, especially considering the fact that I didn't violate the terms I agreed to literally minutes before I was banned for apparently violating these terms. Like, if you were going to ban me anyways, why make me agree to the terms? I wouldn't have much of a problem with a 1-2 month ban, or even a 3 month ban. I'd take that. I'd even take a 1 month mute after that. I wouldn't want to end five years of playing here this way. I'm just disappointed at the idea of a punishment that lasts forever. I'd just like a chance to follow the terms provided. Thanks.
over 4 years ago
Player wanting to claim: LucasHarutunian Current Owner of claim: nickeldragon5555 XYZ Location of claim: -683.496 / 67.00000 / 9.048 Screenshot of land: *Attached* Reasons for wanting to claim the land: Tower will be renovated to look more visually appealing. Contacted the owner? (Ingame and Forums) -PROVIDE PROOF-: Player seems to not be registered on forums. Proof of ingame mail attached. Thanks <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>
over 4 years ago
Player wanting to claim: LucasHarutunian Current Owner of claim: LordServek XYZ Location of claim: -321/66.50000/-53.629 Screenshot of land: (Attached) Reasons for wanting to claim the land: Very nice structure, would hate to see it just stand there not doing anything. Contacted the owner? (Ingame and Forums): I have provided proof of an in-game mail sent, however this player does not have any presence on the Minetown website and therefore I was unable to send a notice with it.
over 5 years ago