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[E] KingMark
[E] KingMark
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over 14 years ago
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over 3 years ago
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Player wanting to claim: KingMark Current Owner of claim: Bjelex, FordsonDexta XYZ Location of claim: 2350, 75, 1540 Screenshot of land: Reasons for wanting to claim the land: These long abandoned houses are near my main claim, and the terrain around them is ideal for some larger builds I'm planning. Contacted the owner? (Ingame and Forums) -PROVIDE PROOF-: I contacted both owners in-game but had difficulty finding them on the forum.
over 4 years ago
Just noting before I go to bed that the shop and currency system seemed to conk out a short while ago, with signs no longer working and coin being reset to 150. Several online players confirmed this, and it quite possibly affected everyone.
over 11 years ago
KingMark "A Fatal Duel With Umbrellas"
over 11 years ago
Something awful does occur to you, but ultimately only helps you grow as a person. I wish I were a rich man..
over 11 years ago
While admittedly I have been absent far too long, it's true I don't intend to give away Frost at present. While it remains largely unfinished, as it always has, I still aim to complete it at some time in the future. I do plan to return to Minetown in the summer, when I'm off from school long enough to really focus on games without negatively impacting anything else in my life. At that time, any help would be appreciated in perhaps finally finishing the city; right now, however, I believe my extended break should be maintained and I should not get involved trying to manage the project nor leave it in the care of anyone else. I'm sorry I've disappeared more or less completely, but I know it would be the only way I'd keep myself from obsessing over an activity that easily can eat away the bulk of my spare time. I know an explanation is long overdue, and that this is insufficient, but I really don't have much more to say. I promise I'll come back someday, and at that time jc you can help me refurbish the city.
over 12 years ago