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[E] Joseph Matthew
[E] Joseph Matthew
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over 14 years ago
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over 14 years ago
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Reggief wrote: Joseph are you big into the conspiracy part of movie 1 and first part of the second? All the facts shown prove that 9/11 was not what government claimed it to be but how could it be pulled off. I cant remember someone saying "oh i helped in the planning". It just seems so impossible to get away with. So much planning. 9/11 is a bit different then just driving up to a building with an explosive filled van and lighting the fuse. Unless of course I am missing something or I just do not understand something. I think the official 9/11 story is just that, a "story" and is based little in fact. That said, It doesn't occupy much of my energy these days. Why? Because whether there is irrefutable "proof" or not, it doesn't change the power structures that currently exist. Power structures that exploit our species for their own selfish gain. To say, even if 9/11 proof came out, we'd still have the same damn challenges before us; generating automated food production mechanisms that feed, tapping into the copious energy stores to replace scarcity based fossil fuels, etc. In essence we still need to work to make "the powers that be" irrelevant. Such "we were lied to" information surely can help along the way, but by no means is it a strong or effective tool for social change. Too much noise around it (from both sides of the issue). See JFK example below for more why it doesn't matter too much. @Heark @Elssaye Agree with you both on a lot of points. Adding, conspiracy theories can be interesting, but I'd say up to a point. In terms of priority of the challenges we face, they are largely irrelevant (for now). Take the JFK assassination; almost 50yrs later and still the "official" story is maintained despite it violating the now very well understood laws of physics (look for similar discrepancies in other lauded atrocities throughout the last century; physics can't be bought or corrupted). The point I guess is such things have little to do with changing this world for the better. It's not going to come from more protests, or "fighting the system" (both examples of "playing their game"), or riots or violent uprising (sorry fanatics, time to focus better). I offer we shouldn't waste our energies on things without tangible social value. To say, we can do much better than present, and we don't need UFOs or Congressmen to do it <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f61b.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":p">:p</object> Suggest, if you want to discuss these ideas more, join the forum discussions here: http://www.thezeitgeistmovement.com In solidarity, jm <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>
over 14 years ago
I'm a human being whose been thinking about these ideas for a while and joined the movement not long after its inception. We're over 500,000 members strong now and it's awesome! I joined this forum to help answer questions on this topic (i've never played on Mine Town sorry <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object> ) Is that what you meant by "who are you exactly?"
over 14 years ago
Just wanted to chime in here to give more details on specific points raised by the OP. wrote: re: greed? You bring up a valid question; it is also the basis for the "nature vs. nurture" discussion. Starting by saying a common misconception is that human beings are inherently greedy. Easy to think that because of our terrible past, that's just "how we are". Provably this is false; modern understanding of human behaviour is that we respond more than anything to our environment. To say, if our environment encourages scarcity and generally focuses on everyone not having enough, then we tend to be greedy, selfish, even violent. The opposite is also true, if our environment is one of abundance and our wants our practically eliminated, we tend to act kindly & altruistically to each other. In a Resource Based Economy that the movement advocates, greed would be "designed out" of our society; from a general lack of want, we'd be free to focus on self-improvment instead of the pursuit of "things" or "more for me". Think of this example: If it rained gold coins for 1 minute, you'd collect all that you can. If it rained gold coins for 6 months, you wouldn't bother collecting them at all. By extension, in a Resource Based Economy, greed would be irrelevant, as there would be no behavioural advantage. wrote: re: authority? This is sort of a loaded question, as the mechanisms by which we hope to transition into a Resource Based Economy (of abundance) from our current scarcity driven monetary economy, are not founded in authority or force. What we advocate is growing up, accepting our old ways provably fail us, understand why, and work together to do better. To say, we human beings have the authority. It comes down to a choice between fear & love (think about it). wrote: re: government? "Government" in a Resource Based Economy is very different from our concept today. The type of "government" we advocate, is more akin to how your thermostat "governs" the temperature in your house. The above is to say, most of our society's problems are technical in nature and thus require compassionate technical solutions. With our new technical reality, current notions of government are woefully outdated & provably destructive to our survival; if we want to prosper as a species, we need to evolve. Survival of the "fittest" simply means "those most adept at adapting to their environment". It was never specifically about strength or power, only when the environment required such traits. Today, the challenges that lay before us are clear; embrace love or fear, evolve or die. Further reading on these topics are presented in The Movement's Orientation Guide (http://www.thezeitgeistmovement.com/The%20Zeitgeist%20Movement.pdf) Specifically Ch.7 for Greed & Ch. 5 for "government". Never give up thinking we can do better than we have; indeed such is what drives our species forward. Hope this helps.
over 14 years ago