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[E] Iron_Orchid
[E] Iron_Orchid
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over 13 years ago
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over 11 years ago
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1. Minecraft Ingame Name: Iron_Orchid 2. Age: 26 3. Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): West Coast 4. Hours per week you play on Minetown Main and PVP (Average): 30+ 5. How long have you been in MineTown: Over three years (since 2011) 6. Any close friends you play with on Minetown?: To be honest, most of my friends have left by now. I'm working to make new ones and befriend and help new ones. Back in the day I was freinds with Kosa, Irethena, Darth, and a lot of other since retired players. So it's time to make new ones! 7. Have you ever been banned before? Why?: Well last week I got kicked for flying by the server, but it was a glitched block accident. MasterJack fixed it for me. 8. Do you have any previous or current experience with Minecraft administration?: Just unoffical building and city work on classic. My experience with the admin and mod staff has all been positive but like I said, it was mostly back in the day that I hung around with them on 18+ and so. 9. Have you spoken much on Minetown TeamSpeak?: Not for a few years. I tried again but it was really empty, and since them everyone has told me they were on Skype so I'm wondering where everyone really hangs out. 10. Why do you think you will make a good moderator on Minetown? Explain: 1) I can be available a wide variety of hours, but I have been especially available when not a lot of people have been on but there are still a lot of requests for a mod to accept and review guest applications. I think it's a good idea to have a mod on at off hours as well as regular hours. 2) I am helpful with the newbies and I have provided players with items and help getting started. I enjoy giving them help building and making protections. I do little trivia times and I give money away to new players, and I vote quite a bit. 3) I don't take things too seriously 4) I'm a bit older than some of the other players, and I've been around a while, so I get the feel of the server and I know what's acceptible and expected of the mods 5) I work from home so I'm available a great amount of times. Let me know if I can help with this app in any way. Cheers!
over 11 years ago
Minecraft username: Iron_Orchid Average amount of hours spent on Minetown per week: 30+ Age: 26 Do you hang out on our TeamSpeak server?(or can you use it to communicate with us) Yes, but I need some help getting there. I have heard people are using Skype and Mumble Contact me for my builds, since I am having some troubles with spoilers. Rest assured they're pretty good!
over 11 years ago
Minecraft IGN: Iron_Orchid Age: 26 What time of day would you be most available to run events? (Please also specify a timezone): 6pm- 3am How many hours per week do you play (average)? How long have you been in Minetown?: Recently I'd say 30+ and I've been here over 3 years Do you have any close friends in Minetown?: Yes, Ron and some of the "old crowd" like Irethena, Darth Android, Kosa... to be honest a lost of my old friends haven't been on for a while. That's part of the reason I want to give back actually, so we can be more active and I can make a good place for people to make new friends and forge connections. What kind of events would you specialize in?: I have given away a lot of money doing trivia (heh) but I would ideally like to hold in-game raffles and to hold even more Hunger Games type events and of course, that old standard... spleef! What ideas do you have for future events (Give details and features you will use)?: Well, spleef obviously, but I would also like to hold scavenger events would would also hold the purpose of encouraging people to explore and review spawn itself. Another fun event idea would be Halo style capture-the-flag style events with team heads, and capture-the-head events based on teams. Late night events would encourage new people to get credits and stay on the server as well, so later hours events would be a lot of fun. Have you ever participated (in) or ran any official/unofficial events? Please tell us what you did and how it went: I did old trivia events and raffle events on the Reddit servers and I've held spleef events before. Spleef was by far the most popular but really, I like the scavenger events best. I'd not really say I had an event go poorly, but some have gone better than others. Usually the start and end of the events (deciding the winners and dealing with complaints) are where the real troubles come in. As long as no one takes sides everything tends to go well. Do you have any experience hosting events?: Yes Tell us about your experience in some of the plugins we use (WorldEdit, WorldGuard, CraftBook, ServerSigns, ToggleableAreas etc.): World Edit and world guard are essential for Spleef and the commands are simple to use. Server Signs I've used in game and Toggleable Areas I don't have much experience with. I'm willing to learn though. In Minecraft, everything can be learned! What do you think the hardest part of making and hosting events is?: Getting everyone in the same place at once and then getting them to start at once. It's like hearding cats sometimes <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f61b.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":p">:p</object> Why do you think you are a better person than other applicants?: Well, I've been here a while and I don't want to mess anything up. I am available on mic, I have a history of helping new players, I'm mature enough not to grief or take sides, and I have some great ideas to make events more popular and for them to take place at a greater variety of times during the weekday nights and weekend nights. Why do you consider Event staff over Moderation staff?: Honestly, I would like to do Mod too, but that's neither here nor there. When I do trivia or invite people into unofficial events, people participate and enjoy it. I think we have a real need for more active events and greater competitive events to tie the server together and to encourage people to get together and play together. Right now the server is kind of spread out and sometimes it's nice to draw people in and keep them coming back. Quick! Think outside the box! Now what?!: What if we we made a big maze, put a skeleton or a golem with really high powers on it, and then made people enter in different spaces like a minotaur type of thing until only person was left, then we set the palyers on a quest together with the winner as the leader? Do you have Skype, and can you use it for regular communication?: Yes, skype and Mumble Tell us about yourself!: Lissie, 26, from Seattle. I play and build on Minecraft and I have a lot of ideas for events. I enjoy kumbucha, wearing black, and vaping. I play a lof of Borderlands 2 and I work from home. I have a cat and a puppy who likes when I play on Minetown because she watches the screen. My furniture ideas and deco ideas have been featured on Minetownfurniture.net. I've started playing Minecraft again after a bit of a hiatus because I wanted to check out some different games, but I felt the lure again! I hope to be part of the events team and to be a more active part of the server. Thanks again!
over 11 years ago
Username: Iron_Orchid When you were banned : 3/23 Person who banned you: no idea Reason you were banned: flying Server: Agartha Well, I didn't fly/swear/anything else so... IDK. I assume it was just a mistake since I TPed to the nether and offered to help out a new player. Can't say much else. I'd just like to be back on soon. Thank you.
over 11 years ago
It was me. I am the lag. I am the one who lags...
over 11 years ago