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Hmmm...I been out of commision for a while, but I came back and found Main as Classic and Highly dead, And Skyblock my favorite a ghost town <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":(">:(</object> We need to get these repopulated <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":p">:p</object>
over 10 years ago
yea, i dont have any alt accounts im to poor, which is why I made the sugeestion <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":p">:p</object>
over 12 years ago
I was wondering if their could be a way to improve upon the party inviting for say Island level 400 players? What I mean is if you are a level 400+ you may invite a player to help you on building projects without having them lose their own island. The Reason I ask is because I have quite a few friends who play on SKyblock and have started way before I have that have built amazing islands. And I do enjoy working together to help create something but at the same time really want to have my own space. Just a thought.
over 12 years ago
The issue is being handled, however a 100 block high lava source not going away is not a little thing that is wrong, its a big thing. becuase I am the one who has to resolve to turning it into cobble and then burn unneeded resources to take to time to then break all that cobble. Even Johan noticed it was glitchy as he watched me trying to take care of the matter. Where water isnt evaporating when you take it from the source using a bucket.
over 12 years ago
Okay, this is beyond annoying, I put in a petition about the water not evaporating after plugging a whole, being told basicaly hey there is a source block (which there nevere should of been in the first place) and now im stuck trying to get rid of a flowing pile of lava right in the middle of my build becuase of the same damn thing.... And I am not putting in a PE just to be told find the source...THERE SHOULD BE NO SOURCE! Now im stuck dying over and over again losing multiple amounts of items trying to fix something taht could of easilly been dealt with... I know I probably wont be refunded for any of it either which is also a big pain in the ass considering how long it takes to gather items on the skyblock server... I am sorry but if this cant be fixed or some sort of way to make things like this easier to handle, I just dont see me sticking around, Skyblock server is really the only thing keeping me here becuase I just dont have fun on the main server. I shouldnt have to Build a giant stack of cobble stone to get rid of some source that should not of been there in the first place.
over 12 years ago