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[E] Drakat
[E] Drakat
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over 13 years ago
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over 8 years ago
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1. Minecraft IGN: Drakat 2. Forum username: Drakat 3. Age: 23 4. Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): Eastern Standard Time 5. Hours per week you play(average) and how long have you been in MineTown: I play about 4 hrs a day. So... 28~ Hours though Ive been on minetown since the new year I think. 6. Friends in Minetown: Krystalin, DarthAndroid, Zionia000, Choco, Irethenia, Gurgash, madster456, Iron orchid, Italy08 of course more that I cant quite list offhand. 7. Have you ever been banned before? Why?: Yes I was, once on another server. I broke a block in spawn when I first started Minecraft, Shortly after I took a break from Minecraft and when I returned I attempted to get myself unbanned as they put it though McBans but they said I waited to long. 8. Do you have any experience with Minecraft administration?: None with Minecraft administration at the moment. I do have ample skills with administrations of other groups and the like though. 9. Can you use Mumble(this is necessary): Of course! On there a bit more then I'm on Minetown to be honest. 10. Why do you think you will make a good moderator? Explain.: I tend to be a fair and a levelheaded person who can look at both sides of an argument. In saying that, If I am curious of things or how something should be done, I am not scared to ask a question of fellow staff to find out answers to things I don't know or am curious about. 11. Additional info you would like to tell us?: While not having a whole much knowledge of minecraft administration or moderating in the first person. I was a 'staff' position in a social group in SecondLife, incharge of mostly the training, event organizing and the like. I compiled quite a few documents and spreadsheets for the group. If wanted I could show some of my doccuments or planning. Another thing is, I tend to be quite a social person, so with applications I tend to be a bit bareboned to be honest. And that is one of my main faults, Im more a reactive person then anything, so of course its probably well reflected in this application. Thanks for reading this over! ~Drakat
over 13 years ago