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[E] Dino
[E] Dino
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over 8 years ago
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over 3 years ago
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Player wanting to claim: KingDinoSour (Dino) Current Owner of claim: NippitSnippit XYZ Location of claim: 9390, 64, -380 Reasons for wanting to claim the land: I plan on completing a project (city) around the world border that consists of three main parts, the claim resides on the part that currently has the placeholder name of "Mountain Side." The claim seems empty with very few belongings and developments and the owner hasnt been on for 185 days. Contacted the owner? (Ingame and Forums) -PROVIDE PROOF-: (Provided with screenshot of land) Screenshot of land:
over 3 years ago
Alright, bud. We’ve got a problem here, clearly, and you aren’t helping in any way. The fact that you managed to get me to go through a multitude of login users and passwords just to log in, as an ex-staff member, who can’t unban or ban you, just to tell you how many levels of wrong you are on. I could literally get in trouble for posting on this thread as a non-mod/manager so I suggest you do not take this for granted. To start off, you, yourself, will never improve the server. The notion is appreciated yes, but the server could go on forever without your build and still retain its quality and player base. Furthermore, simply because an act is inherently appreciated, does not mean anyone is obligated to assist you with your project, which by the way, pales in comparison to hand made builds that you can find in the survival world as well as my works, so your insistence on world edit was not only lazy but futile as projects like yours are not worth consistent assistance. You were not shut down for attempting your own project, unsurprisingly, you were banned because of your actions toward staff, as stated in your own ban. Can we not make it any more obvious for you? Btw, boohoo, you need to take hours to do parts of your build and you’d rather do more “important” things? We’ve also got more important things to do that are actually of importance, so I recommend you step off your high horse and realize you are not a king who’s every priority needs to be met. Because you aren’t. If you haven’t caught on, I’m responding to each part in order. Let's continue. Again your build will not make our server “better”. Again you were not banned for pursuing your project. In regards to how you interpret those screenshots, let me spell something out for you. Those screenshots are called ban proof. Pretty self-explanatory word. Those screenshots are not meant to make you look bad! They are to prove you are deserving of a ban! Wow! Surprise, surprise! You are guilty! You broke the rules with those rude messages you sent and also showed you were evading a ban with /msg. No amount of chat logs could save you because of the fact that you broke the rules. No amount of chat logs could ever save you, even if you were “nice” or “polite” at some point. So even if we were to portray you in a negative light on purpose with those screenshots, like the “media”, you would still be guilty. Even if we portrayed you in a positive light on purpose, you would still be guilty. So, in the end, it’s not “a twist”. What? What does skyblock have to do with anything? Just stop. The amount of help you asked for or amount of builds you needed assistance on does not matter if you, at the end of the day, harassed someone. You can ask for any amount of help and have all the builds of the world but that doesn’t justify harassing people when you don’t get what you want. You are basically acting like a spoiled brat, dude. Scot muted you because you deserved it. Scot muted you because Bumpy suggested it as he agrees with Scot. Scot muted you for harassment and your incessant whining. Scot did not mute you because of your “suggestions” which is funny to me that you would say that because the same chat-logs that you claim we left out on purpose would prove you otherwise. Yes. Yes, this is quite funny, actually. Thought for all the reasons you probably don’t want it to be. We are laughing at you. Not with you. On behalf of all staff, not just Managers/Mod+. We all think the same way about you. You are not hot s*** dude. You’re on your own. It was pretty funny talking to Scot about it though, I remember saying “It’s funny how people like this probably think they’re above others in cases this, yet they are without support and are a joke to everyone else”. Sure, will do. But you still have an opportunity to come back. More on that later. Also, why are you guilt tripping by saying we don’t care about creative? Because we obviously do care or we wouldn’t have it. And obviously, people have their preferences so they aren't going to be on creative all the time. You know what, you're right about that. But if we’re going to make those kinds of arguments then allow me to say the following. This could have been solved if you just shut up and did your own project ok your own because we aren’t obligated to help you. Alright, you do you, we don’t care. If you are going to act like this on our server, then you aren’t welcome anyway. We prefer more mature or nicer individuals that can likely take no for an answer. If you don’t think the “fake” judge’s ruling isn’t just, then here is the conclusion of the jury. As someone else who has been banned in the past, just own up to your mistakes and grow up. Things go by a lot quicker like that. It’s a good life lesson too, which you clearly never learned. Finally, your sentence would’ve probably just been a few days or a week but because you don’t know how to act, it’s starting to look like weeks. So in the meantime, if you are thinking of coming back, I’d brush up on some manners.
over 6 years ago
In soviet russia pokemon catch you
over 7 years ago
What I made this to prove the lugia was better lmao
over 7 years ago
jumps in victory as he finds out he ate bacon... and dies of a heart attack
over 8 years ago