The the little castle/fortress made of brick in the background was mine, so i purposely clustered the trees there since i had to the right to do so due to it being my structure, and then the next area with the dirt used to be all dug up and destroyed, so i fixed it up with lakes and trees to improve the look of the town. & a side note, the area where i DID set the trees , grass and lakes was not apart of the town, nor did it inter fear with the towns structures . All in all, i had no intentions on griefing the area, but instead to improve it's looks for the town owner Nopefully so that his new residents would have a much more pleasant atmosphere to play in compared to a area that looks like an atomic bomb was dropped on it xD Edit: Also , in case further indication is needed, if you go to the area where that castle was built and check the region you can properly see that the area was protected and given to me by a staff member from a PE i made.