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[E] Darth Android
[E] Darth Android
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over 3 years ago
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Thank you for the detailed explanation; it is appreciated.
over 7 years ago
Logged in today and it seems like a bunch of my things were reset in the update. I tried creating some tickets, but I can't figure out how to view my open tickets or view responses to my tickets to see if they have been handled. Not sure what has to be done, but can the following things be fixed? All my homes are missing, can they be restored please? My clan is missing, can it be restored please? Can I get my name updated to Code: &8D&9a&8rth&9A&8ndr&9oi&8d please. Also, there are people claiming land right up to the edge of my claims. Since petition plugin is broken, what information do I need to include to get the claims removed and the land regenerated back to its natural state? What the hell happened? It seems like all the plugin data was wiped, and many of the plugins were replaced with inferior versions? Why were the plugins replaced? Why wasn't data converted/copied over? Why do none of the plugins display colored names correctly anymore? Why was the server updated before plugins were ready?
over 7 years ago
@697744 wrote: With these changes I think that we should look at re implementing a AFK Kicker or fixing the plugin that prevents players from obtaining claim blocks while afk. This will make it so that your income is actually based on how much time you play and not on how much time you spend afk in the game. Also I would personally consider a player that is afk and obtaining claim blocks to be afk farming since they are obtaining a commodity from being afk in the game. Indeed, that is being looked into.
over 8 years ago
To save people some time, here are the commands to buy and sell claim blocks: Code: /buyclaimblocks <number> /sellclaimblocks <number> So, to convert 10 of your unused claimblocks into 10 MTC: Code: /sellclaimblocks 10
over 8 years ago
Reposting to get lot #4 because the server's clock is off by 1 minute.
over 8 years ago