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[E] DarkPhoenix237
[E] DarkPhoenix237
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over 13 years ago
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over 13 years ago
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Skyborne and I are just trying to work on our project casually and this is an unnecessary and quite irritating means to grief. We cleared out one penis drawing yesterday but now since this one is region protected it's only gotten more complicated and annoying. We don't want anyone banned, we never wanted anyone banned, we just wanted people to leave us alone and to consider the privacy of my friend Skyborne, especially on such a public server as this. I would appreciate if DaMooogle and CFowla and whoever else might antagonize us to please stop, we don't want any more trouble and we don't want to bring RL issues onto such a well-developed and friendly server. If this isn't possible then I don't know what else to say. I appreciate the mods and admins looking into our case and I hope this can be resolved quickly and with a minimal amount of work.
over 13 years ago
DaMooogle, CFowla2970, and I dug out most of said area. I built the gate area. I dug the mine with Mooogle and even helped him add netherack to the ceiling for shits. I built the camouflage on two sides of the area and then I built the tunnel linking the mines with the main area (I even laid down the tracks for a future minecart track. After being mildly irritated with the progress and nature of the project I chose to help Skyborne out with his own. I took five or so stacks of dirt, something people can dig on the surface in copious quantities (in fact I probably dug up that dirt), and the tools from which I had dug the iron and made the sticks and put together. Under no circumstance did I steal valuable items equivalent to 18 diamond, 23 gold, and 40+ iron. That is a breach of trust and common sense between all of the parties and while I don't feel being banned was necessary I do think that there has been a bit of incongruous justice present. To put it simply, you stole from a separate project in which you had no presence or even influence.
over 13 years ago