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[E] CosMean
[E] CosMean
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over 4 years ago
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over 4 years ago
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Don't you dare lay a hand on me Everrius! <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f621.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":furious:">:furious:</object>
over 4 years ago
Learn to take a joke! Oh, my days, dude, the discussion was long over .___.
over 4 years ago
pray* you mean? xDDDD
over 4 years ago
For someone that has been playing survival/sandbox games for more than 10 years these are my reasons: 1. Survival element - Minecraft lacks it after you get the hang of the mechanics, tips, tricks and exploits, but you can have fun with it. Especially till your first diamond tool/weapon 2. Creative part - make your own world . For me, in minecraft, I'm at the medieval stage. 3. Make friends - Reason I came to Minetown. People are here, in a big majority, filled with nice, friendly, funny and mature people. And I speak this about the admins too. And that sexy beast Everrius too. 4. Exploration. Although, I don't like the fact that MT has such a small world (in my opinion), exploring old builds or simply fly around different biomes, caves, end, nether, find some dead body will loot floating around. 5. Challenge - One of the key part of MineTown / Main server - Economy. It's a challenge, it's pleasing and also easy when building something. Life of a trader isn't easy. You can ask, ABB. He knows better. Then, it's the challenge to outdo yourself. In redstone mechanics, designs of houses, survival, list can go on and on. 6. Memories. Singleplayer / Multiplayer. Memories will always be left here. You never know the day when you will leave for "good". And come back and see what you built, what was left behind, what other generations of minecrafters has risen from simply punching a tree. 7. FUN. Mate, whatever floats your boat. If you have fun in a dirt house or a castle, in a chill server like Minetown or anarchy server, that it's all about.
over 4 years ago
Only bloomy posts lately. So, I'm asking the big question: Do y'all like jazz?( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
over 4 years ago