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[E] Cookie_Monster(Luev)
[E] Cookie_Monster(Luev)
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over 12 years ago
So I will be unbanned?
over 12 years ago
Username- Luev25 Date Banned- May 10th 2012 Banned By: DarthAndroid Reason: I rather not say in public... Server Main You probably don't remember me, but I used to play on this server extensively. I have played hundreds of hours on the server and was known to community, as far as to my memories go. Over a year ago I was banned for things that i'm rather not proud of, and cant be sorry enough. I have been maturing through the last year, and have learned from past mistakes. When I look back on the situation I realize that what I did was unfair and dumb. I was not playing the game how it was meant to be played. I was taking advantage of aspects of the game that were meant to be enjoyable for anybody. I have been looking to getting back into Minecraft and would like to receive a second chance. I have had a clean record up until this happened. My friends and I were looking to come back and play the good ol fashioned minetown the right way. I understand I needed to be punished, and I feel that a year long ban, along with a clean start on the server, (wiping the vault and other chests I own) is punishment enough. If a discussion needs to be made more about why I was banned or other aspects of my ban, I would ask that this is done in private messages. I respect your choice, and understand if I am not unbanned. --Thanks Luev25
over 12 years ago
over 13 years ago
Um My 87th post. You jelly?
over 13 years ago