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[E] Coat_hanger
[E] Coat_hanger
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over 13 years ago
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over 13 years ago
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My house, located at -963; 35; 350; was griefed and essentially stolen. I logged on this morning and my containers wouldn't open for me, saying that i didn't have permission to open them in that area (this includes all three containers and six furnaces), i went out to my wheat house and saw that many of the glass blocks were smashed and the middle row had been removed. This happened between 1:30am and 9:00am today. If a mod could fix the container problems for me that would be amazing, I have many valuable items that i would like to make sure are still there (I've spent days and over a thousand credits acquiring them. Thanks for considering!
over 13 years ago
I am still willing to help build if there is a position available. My application is posted earlier in the thread.
over 13 years ago
it is from obsidian, but regular users cant use flint and steel
over 13 years ago
I made a nether gate and would like to have it lit. The coordinates are: x:-960 y:63 z:347 If a mod could light this portal for me that would be amazing. It is enclosed in a small cave with an entrance that looks like this.
over 13 years ago
MineCraft Username: Coat_hanger Position(s) Applying For: Builder Why Should I Hire You?: I'm a hard worker who pays attention to detail and likes to get a job done neatly and on time. I like to build new and creative things that look good, as well as work with other people on a team. As a new member on this server I feel the need to prove myself by doing good things for the server. What Skills Do You Possess That Are Relevant To The Position?: I am good at building structures and mechanisms. I am very skilled with using redstone related mechanics. When I start projects, I become very dedicated and refuse to quit. I can follow orders very well. Avg. Time On MineTown Weekly: I have only been a Minetown member for a few days, however since joining I have spent 4-6 hours per day on the server. Why Do You Want To Be A Part Of This City?: In order to keep a server alive, it needs to evolve and grow. This is the best server that I have seen, in every way, and I would like to help keep it that way. By helping build this city, I feel like I can help the server, like a gear in a well running machine.
over 13 years ago