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[E] Brogar12309
[E] Brogar12309
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over 13 years ago
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over 12 years ago
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Awesome, yeah mcmmo has a few "bugs" in it that need to be worked out I guess. Sad, I really liked that plugin.
over 12 years ago
I tried to vote with http://minetown.net/vote but every time I try to login it kicks me back to the same screen I used my ign, but do I also need to add my ign to my "characters" list? If I do, how should I go about doing that. My attempts seem to have failed, lol.
over 12 years ago
Is there any fee to create a town? and Can expand it after it is made? This seems pretty awesome and fairly simple. Only donators can make warps right? Or is that for the private warps (not usable by the public)? Is there like a way to make a public warp for your town center, or do you need to donate for that?
over 12 years ago
Hello, I'm sorry to post a thread for this but I wasn't quite able to answer everything with the wiki. Does this server use towny? It mentions that you have plots and towns, but didn't see what system you use. if you do have towny, how much does it cost to make a town and what are the requirements? Does this server use the Factions mod for plot protection? And if so, does it conflict with towny? Is it better to start a town with Factions, Towny, or PE? The wiki mentions you use mcmmo, but it says that it was disabled in march. Is it still disabled? If it is enabled, what are the limitations on skills that you can use? There is a mention of a market place, are you only allowed to create shops in the market place? Is there a set price for every item or only the few available from the credits or admin shops? By what method do you travel between towns? Is there a /warp or /t spawn or a portal gate for each town? thanks for your help, Brogar12309
over 12 years ago