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GammaGames wrote: i saw this also! didn't kane say he liked it? he said he'd bring it up with the developers, i'm still pretty skeptical as to whether he'll actually do it -.- one thing i am sure of is when he said "this is how modification suggestions should be" i don't know about you, but i'm fed up of people saying "MAKE BLACK OPS ON MINECRAFT"
over 14 years ago
ye i posted a really basic version a couple of weeks ago, added about 2000 words since then <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":d">:d</object>
over 14 years ago
recently put up a mod idea on modzilla, so proud of it i thought i would share it :3 mod type: survival RPG story: you awake on the outskirts of a huge city, you have managed a good living in your little cabin for a while but you are beginning to run low on food and weapons, and your only option is to head into 'dead wood' city to collect supplies. there's only one problem, the city is filled with ravenous night dwelling zombies. can you survive the long nights as thousand upon thousands of undead swarm the streets below? how it will work: items: no useful minerals will spawn underground, instead u must scavenge local buildings for chests that will randomly spawn items e.g. swords, arrows, torches, armor, food and antidote (see 'infection' paragraph). things like fences and wood blocks will also spawn to be used in fortifying buildings at night fall. resources like iron and gold can either be crafted or saved to buy items or hire companions when you come across survivors. buildings: i thought it would be cool if the map randomized building placement to keep it more fresh (if this were possible it would be fantastic as replay value would quadruple), but the chests changing the items would be just as challenging. the city would include typical buildings such as hospitals, schools, office buildings and warehouses. the buildings will be protected to stop people stealing from the buildings themselves. however it is fine to build on or around them. (other than gates) things built by the player will degrade and disappear within a day or two ( this stops players collecting enough wood then just building a castle for themselves), fortifying old buildings should be your main source of safety. mobs: mobs would only consist of zombies. and the city should be built so zombies spawn by the ton on the streets, the players should not have the option to go on the streets at night, if they see the sun going down there only option should be to seek haven in a nearby building. some rare mobs could carry objects useful to the player, these 'special' mobs should only spawn in buildings (otherwise when the sun comes out the player can just horde what they dropped), and should be coloured distinctly. other special mobs will be dangerous to the player like 'infectious zombies'. infection: special zombies have the ability to infect a player with the zombie virus. once infected the player will have a certain amount of time to find antidote before infection takes hold and you become a zombie/die. infection will be slow, a player should have two or three days (that may seem long but antidote is rare) before the effects become fatal. the effects of infection will be shown by a second health bar above the normal health bar. this secondary health bar or 'virus bar' will be the same as the regular health bar except the hearts will be bright green, and will slowly decrease as time goes by. when the virus bar gets to its last couple of hearts the screen should give of a obvious signal to tell the player that they are near death, like the outer parts of the screen go red or you begin to hear your heart beat. once the hearts are completely depleted there should be an appropriate sound like your character dropping to the floor, then the screen will fade to black and a paragraph on your circumstances will play out (see 'death' paragraph). weapons: I'm still wondering if guns would be a good idea, although they would give play a-bit more variety it may make it easy for the player. if the ammo were rare the player might just forget about guns and stick with swords. what do you think? swords and bows will work normally. night time: at night the player has allot to keep himself occupied, he can either secure the building he's inn, or attempt to travel via rooftop (this would be quite risky as the drop may kill you or leave you open to getting swarmed). although the buildings are safer than the streets at night that does not mean there is no danger, the loss of power means allot of buildings are dark enough to house zombies. streets will be inaccessible without the high risk of death. the beginning of night should be made clear to the player, there should be a creepy alarm noise that tells the player that from now on, monsters are dominant. much like when your inside a cave and you'll here a disturbing breathing sound. survivors: i thought it would be cool if you could occasionally run into survivors. some would travel randomly across the city, others would spawn in a building and stay there, some would be neutral others hostile. if a stationary survivor group were to spawn in a building that building would then become fortified. neutral survivors can be talked too, and could also tell you their story if you ask them. if your were to steal from a neutral group or kill a group member that group would then become hostile. if you are low on health the neutrals may give you food. if you were to kill zombies whilst in the neutral base they may give you a reward. neutral survivors can also be hired to join you, depending of the value of the resource you give them will vary the amount of time they will be your companion. only one survivor can be hired as a companion at a time (although it would be cool to hire your own army, too many companions will mean you wont have to do anything). although companions mean you will have less trouble with zombie hordes, they require constant care if you want to keep them alive, replenishing their health, weapons and armor is vital to making sure they are fit for any surprise attacks. death: upon death the screen should fade to blackness, then give a short paragraph as to what happened depending on the circumstances e.g. killed by zombies- "the zombies were to strong to fight off, and you are slowly devoured by the ravenous horde, there is nothing left to come back as...". there could probably be a couple of different paragraphs to each circumstance. once dead you should not be able to respawn on that map, this may seem unfair but it gives players reason to be cautious when approaching a group of zombies, rather then the usual "i'm gonna go inn there and fuck shit up!" approach. world: although a different texture pack wouldn't be all that necessary, it would help with the games individuality. to give this zombie ridden world a more apocalyptic theme, i thought it would be a good idea to give the sun a dark red colouration, and have the players perspective tinted with dark browns and reds. the player would feel like they're in a world that they know, but one that is distorted by unnatural forces, making them uncomfortable and paranoid. even in the day this world should keep them on their toes. having them peek down dark hallways before running away in fear after hearing something moving towards them. multiplayer: although just as fun in single player, multiplayer should be kept small (4-6 players per server), too many players could cause problems. players should have good communication between one another, typing chat is acceptable but for the funnest and most efficient gameplay microphones would be better (skype or mumble would be the best forms of mic to mic unless it would be possible for each server to have its own personal chat system). difficulty: changes in difficulty would behave like other RPGs; easy- map activated, resources common, few mobs, majority of survivors neutral. normal- map activated, some resources, some mobs, some neutral survivors. hard- map deactivated, few resources, loads of mobs, few neutral survivors. survivor- map deactivated, very few resources, loads of mobs, no neutral survivors. overall: a player has allot to do in this world, he can either choose a suitable location to fortify, slowly securing each building before making it a part of their safe zone , or keep on the move, stripping buildings of resources before moving on. the game i imagine would be pretty hard to stay safe and secure, at some point your gonna round a corner to find a battalion of zombies coming at you when you have nothing but some torches. the idea of eventually securing the entire city is nearly impossible, the spawning of zombies would be so constant that you'll be long dead before you can make any significant progress, so most maps probably wont last too long... but man, what an adventure it will be!
over 14 years ago
so wait... are those wolves or wild dogs? cus i've seen a wolf in real life and they are huge! my friend has an average sized dog an this wolf was like twice the size of that. i think that the wolves that cant be tamed should be big, or at least intimidating enough so if the player were to stumble across one he would have to question whether he should run away or not.
over 14 years ago