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[E] BanIan
[E] BanIan
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over 6 years ago
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over 4 years ago
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1. Minecraft Ingame Name: Banian 2. Age: 16 3. Timezone EST 4. Hours per week you play on Minetown Main (Average): Probably 8 - 10? 5. How long have you been in Minetown: 4 years 6. Any close friends you play with on Minetown?: Closest would probably be hailey 7. Have you ever been banned before? Why?: yes..... xray 8. Do you have any previous or current experience with Minecraft administration? (Please Explain): Nope! 9. Have you spoken much on Minetown Discord?: To much 10. Why do you think you will make a good moderator on Minetown? Explain: Been around awhile and might be a good addition to the team of absent staff 11. Additional info you would like to tell us?: nope not really! this is my 2nd attempt.
over 4 years ago
1. Minecraft Ingame Name: BanIan 2. Age: 14 3. Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): Eastern time 4. Hours per week you play on Minetown Main (Average): 20 - 30 5. How long have you been in Minetown: 2 years 6. Any close friends you play with on Minetown?: MyNameIsHailey, Zooum, JC1991, Weathermanscot 7. Have you ever been banned before? Why?: Xraying for iron like an idiot 8. Do you have any previous or current experience with Minecraft administration? (Please Explain): no 9. Have you spoken much on Minetown Discord?: All the time 10. Why do you think you will make a good moderator on Minetown? Explain: Helper and because i help a lot of people and i think they should be able to come to me and ask there questions and i can answer 11. Additional info you would like to tell us?: Im about to be 15 and i'm very social with people on minetown, this is the only server i play and i almost always have it open so i can see chat to help others.
over 6 years ago
Im sorry for Xraying. ive been doing it for like a week and a half but idk why i tried it. you probably dont want to unban me, and i would love to get unbanned, i know ill get made fun of but i guess it'll help me learn my lesson. please just take all my stuff and let me get a fresh start... ill uninstall it and will never use it again, yet again im sorry and the reason i did it was because i thought it would give me something to do but i guess it really gave me nothing to do cause im banned now. thanks and to stop retards like me who xray, i think there is a plugin that puts ores everywere but despawn when you get in a 5 block radius, idk whats its called. bye my username is BanIan and i was banned me BumpyBob0007
over 6 years ago