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[E] Almistr999
[E] Almistr999
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over 11 years ago
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over 10 years ago
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Considering you can have gold farms, slime farms, egg farms, mob farms, etc, why should we make it so we cannot have iron farms? Once again it is apart of the game, and i think it should stay that way.
over 11 years ago
As that is useful, and can be done it prevents me from being able to breed villagers more, and too kill the ones i do not like, the "bad trade" villagers.
over 11 years ago
I agree, this would make it easier too see if you are beating your friends is level or not haha
over 11 years ago
I have suffered 2 zombie sieges now inside my well lit village, once killing all of my villagers. Now gold on skyblock is NOT cheap and is hard to obtain. Which is why today i tried to spawn three iron golems inside the village to protect my villagers, all of which failed, after some research i see that your server has actually turned off iron golems... I am wondering why? It was hard enough to get my villagers in the first place, so i sincerely ask you to consider turning them back on. They are a part of the game and i think it should stay that way, unless you can turn off zombies sieges somehow with a mod or coding. Does anyone agree with me? Please let me know what you think, and more importantly let the staff know who can make this happen! They only strive to make our experience better!
over 11 years ago