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META would be proud to host /warp xp Our guardian farm is fully operational and meets all requirements. For now it functions as an XP farm only, but will soon have a full enchantment room and may provide a portion of farmed prismarine to players running it. Coordinates for the warp are -2297 13 -208
over 3 years ago
You have not followed the ban appeal format. You are not the one banned. You are not listening to staff And you are spamming both public Discord channels (Another rule broken) and the ban appeals section of the forum. If you can't follow the rules and cry foul when you don't get your way, we can't help you. I've heard "My brother/sister/cousin/etc did it" hundreds of times over the years. The owner of the account is liable for the actions of said account. The ban stands, and further excuses or spam on your part that don't follow the appeal guidelines will be met with a mute. /locked
over 3 years ago
I apologize for not responding sooner here. We were running an outdated Bedrock version for a couple days before anyone noticed. Beta builds aren't supported on Minetown, only full release builds. Regarding linking an account, it is not mandatory. You can play on either a Java or Bedrock account, or both (As long as it's not at the same time). Unlinked accounts are distinguished by a * before their name. You can unlink an account at any time in the server with /unlinkaccount. I'm not sure what it will look like when Java and Microsoft accounts are combined.
over 3 years ago
Thank you for posting an appeal. Let me just run through the sequence of events. Playing in the server you went straight to multiple pieces of ancient debris. You had full diamond gear and plenty of claim blocks, so I have to assume you had played long enough to be aware of the rules. After being banned, you followed up by DMing the Managers and trying to bribe us by "promoting the server" instead of posting an appeal here. After being told by multiple Managers to post a ban appeal, you posted an appeal that does not follow the guidelines. Considering all these factors this is a pretty simple case. I don't believe you have learned your lesson and I am denying your ban appeal. Your ban expires in 5 days, 22 hours and 55 minutes.
over 4 years ago
Considering that Hailey did this SPECIFICALLY to cause tension and conflict, your point does not stand, Irethena. If anything it's a reason not to allow someone who would manipulate a situation to have their desired outcome.
over 4 years ago