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Thanks much. curious so i must ask, does friday evening mean friday evening or saturday morning?
over 13 years ago
I'm glad you did now at least I can appologize to you in some fashion for screwing up your pig farm. When I logged in I was in your farm and the inventory was back to I suppose what you had on you. slightly confusing being new to the server and all, and as I said it wasn't until later on while playing that I realized the servers were actually live about an hour or so after i logged in, at which point i couldn't do much about it since it was within 3-4 mins of me logging in that i attempted to place your pig spawner. Was it a bad Idea yes, Lesson Learned. Not here to grief or screw anyone over, Just here to build something cool or fun and functional with a bit of style. I do apologize, I am many things, a Liar is not among them. In hindsight yes I should have figured out whether the server was live or not yes, however I don't play a lot of online minecraft so I have a lack of experience when it comes to these matters and forums in general for the most part so i am sorry for not approaching you directly but i wasnt even sure who's farm it was. the door to the pig spawner wasnt locked or protected nor was the spawner itself so at the time I assumed it was due to the servers. I'd offer to find some way to repay for the lost pork production (i assume the spawner was replace by the obviously attentive admins) and Apologize in Person but kinda cant log in at the moment. Sorry to say yes your pick and your sword were on you, The pick poofed on death <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":-(">:-(</object> But i still have the sword and the armor i believe. hope you enjoyed my gold bars and glowstone dust in return Regardless of the result of the appeal I am sorry nova. -Tw1tc4
over 13 years ago
I would and thank you for giving me the chance to do so. Said theft occurred during the time when the server was being transferred to the new hardware. I was crafting potions for a friend when the servers went down. had some crafting materials on me and i was in full iron armor (enchanted boots) with a diamond pick and sword (both enchanted) and a few other assorted items in my inventory. When the servers came back up I was no-where near where i had been when the servers shutdown, I was in some random persons farm. My new inventory consisted of a few stacks of cobblestone full diamond armor and a diamond pick and sword (both the pick and word were still enchanted just not with what I had prior to the shutdown) I was wandering about and came across the pig spawner and saw a notification about the server being transferred to new hardware and not to panic everything would be returned to normal soon, so i said why not since everything is going to be wiped clean and restored I wanna see what these pig spawners are all about, I mined it and got an egg. did a /home and proceeded to giggle with anticipation at discovering the mysteries of the pig spawner (ya i havent been playing a lot of minecraft and just recently discovered mods). However before i could attempt said experiment i learned of the tnt kit. so my friend and i proceeded to blow up a very large tree he had built with much satisfaction, shortly there after the servers went down again. When I was able to log in later on, I was once again by the pig spawner and my inventory was once again filled with cobblestone brick and the full diamond armor set, so i made the assumption that i was still on the backup server while things were getting situated. seeing as I was back near the pig spawner I proceeded to mine it, went ahead did /home and attempted to place the pig throwing said egg...... I got one pig and much sadness. It wasn't until later on that I realized the server was live and I might be boned. I assure you it was an unintentional theft purely done out of curiosity and an easy mistake to make given the circumstances -sincerly Sad pig farmer
over 13 years ago
Username: Tw1tc4 When you were banned : (Date.)4/30/2012 Person who banned you:Unknown Reason you were banned: Spawner Theft from Novaleigh
over 13 years ago