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[Enjin Archive] Help us come to a decision! You have a voice!
Started by [E] Darkpsy

Essay coming in....

Alright, I think that we should have our grieving rules like other servers. If you dont protect it, your screwed... Plain and simple. This would make Staffs job a lot less stressful and time consuming. Though, for this rule to work we need to update our rules for Agharta. If we expect a player to read the rules and know what is right and whats wrong, we need to update them! I cannot stress my point on this enough, if there is no clear rules, there is no point for putting in other features, and rules!

Now to state again, the only way the "you dont protect it. your screwed" rule will work is if there is an updated rule page on agharta and how if you dont claim it, your screwed. I know that this method will work.. Why? I've seen it on countless other servers. Some could say, well why be like other servers? lets be original. That is true, besides when it comes to rules. Rules do not need to be original, they need to work.

Now, lets say we do it how I think it should work, some people might counter that people might not know how do use this, or not have enough claim blocks.. I am going to be honest, if you can't use or learn about GP easily, your stupid. Honestly, it is so easy to learn, and know about its ridiculous!

About claim blocks, these build up over time with active play time. If we told the users this simple fact in a in game tutorial, or on a UPDATED wiki, or even the rules as part of the grieving section, then if they still messed up, its on them.. We have done every logical efficient way to handle the problem and they still messed up... Its on them!

I recently just rejoined back about earlier this week.. I'm going to be honest, the rules were so un updated, un organized, and the wiki was so outdated that I am still learning about basic rules from other members! I say that as constructive criticism so that the server may reform and regain its former glory, but this will only work with an updated, clear outlined, wiki, and rule book, whether that be in game or on the website.

In conclusion!! If you don't protect it, your screwed. This will only work with an updated rule book and wiki, whether thats in game or on the website.

PS. I have decided to spend the rest of the day revamping the wiki...Send me any things I should remember to put in, not put in, recently updated rules that I might miss.. Just send me recommendations on what to put in the NEW UPDATED WIKI!!!

PSS. My grammar and english mechanics are much better then this post represents.. I am just anxious to get to editing the wiki... BYE!
After, examining the wiki and editing minor but important things, I can conclude that

1. I will need help redoing the wiki. Whether that be clarifying rules and info for me or just helping me type it all lol

2. It is more so the rules that need updating, and more specifically specifying which rules applies to which servers.
I like the current system, mostly because when I find a dungeon, I turn it into an XP farm for anyone to use, usually with a chest close by. If someone takes stuff out of the chest, I don't consider it stealing from me. Also, If I find a village I usually try to add doors to houses to boost the villager spawning, but I don't consider it "my" village.

And if someone wants to grief the XP farm and break the spawner, well, there are a LOT of dungeons on Agharta.

Or should I claim the 8x8 area around the spawner and leave the XP farm w/chest unclaimed? That would kind of suck for someone mining deep to come upon an unmineable 8x8 area.
@6124285 wrote:
I like the current system, mostly because when I find a dungeon, I turn it into an XP farm for anyone to use, usually with a chest close by. If someone takes stuff out of the chest, I don't consider it stealing from me. Also, If I find a village I usually try to add doors to houses to boost the villager spawning, but I don't consider it "my" village.

And if someone wants to grief the XP farm and break the spawner, well, there are a LOT of dungeons on Agharta.

Or should I claim the 8x8 area around the spawner and leave the XP farm w/chest unclaimed? That would kind of suck for someone mining deep to come upon an unmineable 8x8 area.

If we do end up going back to Classic rules, and you still want to do this, just leave a sign or so saying it's up for grabs. The staff only pursue griefers if the rightful owner of the build or items says they are stolen, it would be impossible for us to check everything a player does and see whether or not it belongs to them. If you don't claim someone griefed it or stole from you, everything is good.
Please excuse the following immense wall of quote, but I felt an irrepressible urge to respond to this particular post.
@744235 wrote:
The problem is the plugin used for protections. Many dont understand how to use the plugin and end up with no protection from griefers. Another problem I found was the block limit, because there is a limit to how big a protection you can make sometimes people run out of protection blocks, leaving half of their builds unprotected.

If someone doesn't know how to protect their land, they can easily ask in chat, as I have seen many people do, and if people are online, then 95% of the time someone will be helpful enough to explain it to them. Therefore, this is not a real excuse.

The limit on claim blocks is obviously intentional. It prevents people from claiming massive tracts of land and not building on all of it, like many people have done on the classic server. More claim blocks can be bought with mtc and are also accumulated automatically through just being on the server. The plugin itself is absolutely not 'the problem' in any realistic way.

The fact is the server is advertised as a no griefing server. So why is it being allowed? If you wanted a pvp/grief server... There is the pvp server? If aghast a turns into a griefing server what is the point of the pvp server?

It IS a no griefing server. If you protect your land, it doesn't get griefed. Period. If someone finds a way to circumvent protections, they will be banned. Period. Also, you DO know the difference between the two generally unrelated concepts of pvp and griefing, don't you? If not, I'm sorry, but I'm not going to take the time to explain it.

Basically, you get out what you put in. I know we don't see that staff work very hard behind the scenes, but if they put a bit more effort to support the no griefing rule the server would be a better place.

This goes both ways. Staff member put in plenty of work as it is. Every single person who plays on Agharta is provided the ability to protect what they build. If someone doesn't care enough to take 2 minutes (if that) to do that, why should staff members have to waste time dealing with it when it gets griefed?

And realistically speaking. The population isn't massive, and so the amount of griefs is minimal so it isn't like a massive work load being added on.

I guarantee it would require more time from any given mod to deal with 100% avoidable griefings than it would take for a player to click on the ground twice with a shovel.

So, in solution

The are probly afew options but I see these as the most viable:

1) get a new protection plugin that has not got a limit on the amount of blocks but is easy to use. A reasonable example is the old world guard. It's a decent plugin with a lot of tutorials on YouTube for it. One downside is that staff have to make it

2) increase the amount of blocks a player has/starts with hopefully making it so people have sufficient limits to protect their builds

3) keep everything the same but when a build is griefed roll back and ban the player who griefed

1) That sort plugin is much more of a hassle for not only staff members, but also for players. Who would want to have to wait for a mod to get to their petition when they can instantly do it themselves exactly the way they want it done with virtually no effort required? It just doesn't make any logical sense. Not to mention, it's also more complicated and/or time consuming to manage as far as making subclaims within a protection.

2) This I can get behind. I totally agree that the starting blocks is pretty insufficient, especially for brand new players who wouldn't have any mtc saved up to purchase more, and that either the amount gained over time should be somewhat increased or the mtc cost for additional blocks should be somewhat decreased.

3) Again, if a person cares enough to not want their build griefed, there is nothing stopping them from protecting it themselves. The only time this should even be an issue is if someone actually manages to circumvent protections.

Yes, the staff have a heavy work load, but I don't see how any of those options would be a massive increase proportionally in their workload.

I'm trying not to be negative, but I have to say. The staff applied for a position which is clearly noted that it will drastically affect their play time. I know I am not staff, I don't see behind the scenes, I don't know what it is like to be staff on Minetown, but as a player I can still see staff not doing outstanding pe's or staff duties because they "Cba". What needs to be understood is that staff duties come before personal play time.

Most, if not all of those pe's not getting done right away is because there are certain things that only certain staff members are able to do. If a pe requires an admin to do it, then you can't very well expect it to get done if the only staff online are mods or helpers. Other pe's require the player who made it to be available on the server in order for it get done. Don't assume someone is shirking their responsibilities if you don't know the whole story.
@426160 wrote:
The limit on claim blocks is obviously intentional. It prevents people from claiming massive tracts of land and not building on all of it, like many people have done on the classic server. More claim blocks can be bought with mtc and are also accumulated automatically through just being on the server. The plugin itself is absolutely not 'the problem' in any realistic way

This I can get behind. I totally agree that the starting blocks is pretty insufficient,

Is it just me, or are those two statements completely contradicting each other? one says that the block limit is fine and should be the amount it is whereas the other says it is "Insufficient". please actually give one answer, not two...

Also, you DO know the difference between the two generally unrelated concepts of pvp and griefing, don't you?

Of coarse I know the difference between griefing and pvp. however usually they are paired together on servers...

Basically, you get out what you put in. I know we don't see that staff work very hard behind the scenes, but if they put a bit more effort to support the no griefing rule the server would be a better place.

This goes both ways. Staff member put in plenty of work as it is. Every single person who plays on Agharta is provided the ability to protect what they build. If someone doesn't care enough to take 2 minutes (if that) to do that, why should staff members have to waste time dealing with it when it gets griefed?

I said that I know staff put a lot of work in. I understand that. "Every single person who player on Agharta is provided the ability to protect what they build" well that's the issue. it works great on paper but in the real world the worst affected are new players. some don't know the plugin exists, some cannot work out how to use it (I have seen so many people unable to understand a simple explination to the plugin...), but the worst problem is the block limit, you even said yourself it is a problem. I know why it is there, im not an idiot, however the limit of it is the problem. new players need a larger amount of protection blocks to start off with.

So when the situation ends up with a build unprotected and it is griefed it is staff duty to fix it. and realistically speaking with the smaller population there are not many griefing cases anyway, it isn't as if this decision is going to mean tens of grief cases per day...

So, in solution

The are probly afew options but I see these as the most viable:

1) get a new protection plugin that has not got a limit on the amount of blocks but is easy to use. A reasonable example is the old world guard. It's a decent plugin with a lot of tutorials on YouTube for it. One downside is that staff have to make it

2) increase the amount of blocks a player has/starts with hopefully making it so people have sufficient limits to protect their builds

3) keep everything the same but when a build is griefed roll back and ban the player who griefed

1) That sort plugin is much more of a hassle for not only staff members, but also for players. Who would want to have to wait for a mod to get to their petition when they can instantly do it themselves exactly the way they want it done with virtually no effort required? It just doesn't make any logical sense. Not to mention, it's also more complicated and/or time consuming to manage as far as making subclaims within a protection.

2) This I can get behind. I totally agree that the starting blocks is pretty insufficient, especially for brand new players who wouldn't have any mtc saved up to purchase more, and that either the amount gained over time should be somewhat increased or the mtc cost for additional blocks should be somewhat decreased.

3) Again, if a person cares enough to not want their build griefed, there is nothing stopping them from protecting it themselves. The only time this should even be an issue is if someone actually manages to circumvent protections.

firstly, I state that these are a few options, im not saying they are the best im just saying they are options that we can use. So when you say that one option is a bad idea im not saying its a good idea... im just stating it is an option. I actually agree with you on option1. then once again you contradict your self with options 2 and 3. in option 2 you agree that it would be a good idea to increase the starting limit, due to the problem when people run out of blocks for a reasonable build. but then in option3 you say that people are lazy enough not to protect their builds when you clearly identified the main problem for not protecting builds is the block limit. Just to clarify I believe that option 2 is by far the best option of those 3.

Yes, the staff have a heavy work load, but I don't see how any of those options would be a massive increase proportionally in their workload.

This point still stands

I'm trying not to be negative, but I have to say. The staff applied for a position which is clearly noted that it will drastically affect their play time. I know I am not staff, I don't see behind the scenes, I don't know what it is like to be staff on Minetown, but as a player I can still see staff not doing outstanding pe's or staff duties because they "Cba". What needs to be understood is that staff duties come before personal play time.

Most, if not all of those pe's not getting done right away is because there are certain things that only certain staff members are able to do. If a pe requires an admin to do it, then you can't very well expect it to get done if the only staff online are mods or helpers. Other pe's require the player who made it to be available on the server in order for it get done. Don't assume someone is shirking their responsibilities if you don't know the whole story.

In hind sight that last paragraph was an unclear and somewhat foolish one to write. what I was trying to state was that in the PAST I had seen staff who were perfectly able to do a Pe but would not do it because they were 'busy' with their own personal play time. as far as I know that kind of behaviour in staff is gone. but it was an attempt to display the possibility of laziness to be a factor into this argument, however this factor would be extreamly small in comparison to others. Back on topic, which is griefing, maybe enable Moderators to have the ability to fully deal with a grief by themselves if they do not already have said ability? allowing griefs to be fixed faster.

In simple terms, my suggestions are:

1) Increase the starting amount of protection blocks by a reasonable amount to allow new players who don't have money or the ability to get more to protect their builds

2)Do enforce the no griefing rule even when unprotected. the Minetown survival servers have traditionally been no griefing servers. if we are looking for a change, then change it. however one slight issue I can foresee is when a player has his/her house protected sufficiently however a player comes along and griefs just outside of that protection. e.g. placing lots of lava in a boarder around the house? because that would be completely legal? is that really fair?
A decission has been made and I am posting the updates now. Rules are changing, be aware!

/locked due to new post being made on subject.