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[Enjin Archive] "Take it to the fourms"
Started by [E] HoloYuri

Okay. I am taking it to the forums, like you morons won't shut up about.

I already know of the staff on prison being idiots and abusing their power, deeming every rule to the extent THEY want, not what everyone else wants, or what is right. Lets mark this off, shall we?

1 - Illegitimate reasons for mute.

2 - Illegitimate reasons for death

3 - Illegitimate rule-following

Already we have three reasons..wow..

This is going to be talking about one of the more "recent" experiencing I have had of the sort. So there I was, talking about how GamingShades got the boot off of Minetown. When I said the reason though, I was perplexed. I said the word "Nazism", funny huh? The word "Nazi" was censored! I said to myself there "Who in the name of f--- could get offended by "Nazi"! To the extent that it was censored! So, I tried to make my point across and did what any person would, and said each letter in chat. Individually. Now, I do in fact, now this is spam. Which I so humbly stopped. I then asked, "Why is "Nazi" censored?" To which Jimbo and I then had a discussion of which he then said "It is not up for discussion" or some other bull answer that every guard gives when they don't want to explain, or just don't know. Paraphrasing here.

AAAAAAAAAAAND it went to Atheist Hell from there.

One thing I can vouch for though, is the fact that I did-in fact- stop spamming.

Know what I got muted for?

Muted for: Prof/Spam/I said stoop (For 9 Minutes! The first mute! NINE MINUTES!)

No, really, he said "stoop"

Okay! Role-call check of what was legit!

Profanity - Never did it to begin with

Spam - Stopped that when he told me to

"I said stoop" - Actually, no, you cannot mute me because you said "stoop".....that's like saying "Jimbo, stop killing me! I said stoop! nooO!" *But this one may be in the least bit justified because I did, in fact, hound the subject in my defense. But still, not justified enough*

Again, same thing with Insert, because I got in a discussion about why I was muted. Except this time, i was muted because of

Get this

"Talking about Reports"


Anyway. Here are the links to each piece. The Gyzos were taken after the first mute. Some info is in here not in this fourm post. I suggest you look at them.




Should be in chronological order, if not, let me know before you lock this discussion for no reason. (Talking to you, Dark)

Okay! Now THAT story arc is out of the way, here is another one!

On a fine winter day, the one that chills yer bones, I decided to protest. I was pissed. So I decided to tell people of my hate, because, actually, I can in fact, do that.

It started off with me saying something about how I was blamed for things I didn't do, and when it happens, their word is law on the unjust ruling. Eh, complaints. But then, our little friend gardiner_1 said I was bringing up the subject again, which I was not. This proved infutile, as jimbo got on, muted me for...






Okay, Okay. Maybe I DID in fact, bring the subject up (which was not my intention) and I DID in fact, whine a little. But when you kick a puppy, don't expect it to comply!

That was that, short little thing

Same thing, Gyzos sum this thing up. Look at them and laugh!




That is all, and may you never be cursed with dealing with these people!*

*Please Note - I actually do enjoy these people, sometimes. They are not that bad and I in no way hate them. If I wanted to point any fingers at who I hate, It would be . Only finger I am going to point.
Man learn to spell forums before you call us morons.
I will ensure that a manager see this for you.
You were supposed to fill out a staff report, that is what "Take it to the fourms" means. Nice way to call them morons when you don't know how to follow instructions given by insert.

prison -356 63 128 player-command WOOTman12345 /duty list 2013-10-18 17:11:20

prison -356 63 128 player-command WOOTman12345 /duty 2013-10-18 17:11:13

prison -339 63 143 player-chat WOOTman12345 So close, I can feel it! 2013-10-18 17:10:47

prison -331 63 144 player-chat WOOTman12345 Okay. Almost done with the fourmpost talking about these unjust mutes! 2013-10-18 17:10:33

prison -342 63 144 player-chat WOOTman12345 Jimbo is back 2013-10-18 16:55:22

prison -338 63 151 player-chat WOOTman12345 shh 2013-10-18 16:55:17

prison -338 63 151 player-chat WOOTman12345 shh gard 2013-10-18 16:55:16

prison -336 63 152 player-chat WOOTman12345 I hate it when I am blamed for something wrongfully 2013-10-18 16:55:08

prison -342 63 150 player-chat WOOTman12345 Want me to? 2013-10-18 16:54:46

prison -342 63 150 player-chat WOOTman12345 Because I can 2013-10-18 16:54:43

prison -342 63 150 player-chat WOOTman12345 Not bringing the subject back up 2013-10-18 16:54:40

prison -342 63 150 player-chat WOOTman12345 I am taking evidence 2013-10-18 16:54:32

prison -342 63 148 player-chat WOOTman12345 I dropped it 2013-10-18 16:54:23

prison -342 63 148 player-chat WOOTman12345 Shut up, Gard 2013-10-18 16:54:14

prison -342 63 146 player-chat WOOTman12345 Or "Why can you end the discussion, but when I do, I am not allowed to?" 2013-10-18 16:54:09

prison -342 63 146 player-chat WOOTman12345 Like, "Why the living fuck is Nazi censored" 2013-10-18 16:53:38

prison -340 63 145 player-chat WOOTman12345 Ya know, I say usefull things 2013-10-18 16:53:24

prison -340 63 145 player-chat WOOTman12345 Neither will I, but 2013-10-18 16:53:15

prison -339 63 145 player-chat WOOTman12345 God, Jimbo won't shut up. 2013-10-18 16:53:09

prison -338 63 145 player-chat WOOTman12345 humens 2013-10-18 16:48:28

prison -341 63 145 player-chat WOOTman12345 What up in the huud 2013-10-18 16:48:16

prison -341 63 145 player-chat WOOTman12345 Yo dawg 2013-10-18 16:48:08

prison -341 63 145 player-chat WOOTman12345 Insert 2013-10-18 16:48:05

prison -341 63 145 player-chat WOOTman12345 Insert, Hey insert 2013-10-18 16:48:02

prison -341 63 145 player-chat WOOTman12345 Insert 2013-10-18 16:47:56

prison -344 63 142 player-chat WOOTman12345 Ugh, idiots 2013-10-18 16:47:52

prison -344 63 142 player-chat WOOTman12345 Sorry, GAMEY 2013-10-18 16:47:46

prison -345 63 144 player-chat WOOTman12345 Gaming, shh 2013-10-18 16:47:39

prison -344 63 145 player-chat WOOTman12345 Look, every else, shh 2013-10-18 16:47:35

prison -351 63 142 player-chat WOOTman12345 I actually typed "Fluff" 2013-10-18 16:47:25

prison -351 63 142 player-chat WOOTman12345 Oh yeah 2013-10-18 16:47:19

prison -347 63 143 player-chat WOOTman12345 Fluff it, Pengu, you there? 2013-10-18 16:47:16

prison -347 63 143 player-chat WOOTman12345 Pangu 2013-10-18 16:47:00

prison -347 63 145 player-chat WOOTman12345 Peeengu! 2013-10-18 16:46:40

prison -347 63 145 player-chat WOOTman12345 Hey Pengu! 2013-10-18 16:46:37

prison -347 63 145 player-chat WOOTman12345 Pengu, hey! 2013-10-18 16:46:34

prison -347 63 145 player-chat WOOTman12345 Pengu 2013-10-18 16:46:30

prison -350 63 145 player-chat WOOTman12345 You there? 2013-10-18 16:46:09

prison -349 63 147 player-chat WOOTman12345 Yo Insert! 2013-10-18 16:46:05

prison -349 63 147 player-chat WOOTman12345 Insert 2013-10-18 16:45:49

prison -349 63 147 player-chat WOOTman12345 Anyway 2013-10-18 16:45:34

1. Did swear.

2. Uses ignorance to argue with staff.

3. Blatantly disrespects staff.

4. Antagonizes the situation further by mentioning the forum "report" to staff

(This is not in reply to anyone, this is for "safe keeps" for when he makes an actual report, and I have the information at hand)
@637590 wrote:

prison -356 63 128 player-command WOOTman12345 /duty list 2013-10-18 17:11:20

prison -356 63 128 player-command WOOTman12345 /duty 2013-10-18 17:11:13

prison -339 63 143 player-chat WOOTman12345 So close, I can feel it! 2013-10-18 17:10:47

prison -331 63 144 player-chat WOOTman12345 Okay. Almost done with the fourmpost talking about these unjust mutes! 2013-10-18 17:10:33

prison -342 63 144 player-chat WOOTman12345 Jimbo is back 2013-10-18 16:55:22

prison -338 63 151 player-chat WOOTman12345 shh 2013-10-18 16:55:17

prison -338 63 151 player-chat WOOTman12345 shh gard 2013-10-18 16:55:16

prison -336 63 152 player-chat WOOTman12345 I hate it when I am blamed for something wrongfully 2013-10-18 16:55:08

prison -342 63 150 player-chat WOOTman12345 Want me to? 2013-10-18 16:54:46

prison -342 63 150 player-chat WOOTman12345 Because I can 2013-10-18 16:54:43

prison -342 63 150 player-chat WOOTman12345 Not bringing the subject back up 2013-10-18 16:54:40

prison -342 63 150 player-chat WOOTman12345 I am taking evidence 2013-10-18 16:54:32

prison -342 63 148 player-chat WOOTman12345 I dropped it 2013-10-18 16:54:23

prison -342 63 148 player-chat WOOTman12345 Shut up, Gard 2013-10-18 16:54:14

prison -342 63 146 player-chat WOOTman12345 Or "Why can you end the discussion, but when I do, I am not allowed to?" 2013-10-18 16:54:09

prison -342 63 146 player-chat WOOTman12345 Like, "Why the living fuck is Nazi censored" 2013-10-18 16:53:38

prison -340 63 145 player-chat WOOTman12345 Ya know, I say usefull things 2013-10-18 16:53:24

prison -340 63 145 player-chat WOOTman12345 Neither will I, but 2013-10-18 16:53:15

prison -339 63 145 player-chat WOOTman12345 God, Jimbo won't shut up. 2013-10-18 16:53:09

prison -338 63 145 player-chat WOOTman12345 humens 2013-10-18 16:48:28

prison -341 63 145 player-chat WOOTman12345 What up in the huud 2013-10-18 16:48:16

prison -341 63 145 player-chat WOOTman12345 Yo dawg 2013-10-18 16:48:08

prison -341 63 145 player-chat WOOTman12345 Insert 2013-10-18 16:48:05

prison -341 63 145 player-chat WOOTman12345 Insert, Hey insert 2013-10-18 16:48:02

prison -341 63 145 player-chat WOOTman12345 Insert 2013-10-18 16:47:56

prison -344 63 142 player-chat WOOTman12345 Ugh, idiots 2013-10-18 16:47:52

prison -344 63 142 player-chat WOOTman12345 Sorry, GAMEY 2013-10-18 16:47:46

prison -345 63 144 player-chat WOOTman12345 Gaming, shh 2013-10-18 16:47:39

prison -344 63 145 player-chat WOOTman12345 Look, every else, shh 2013-10-18 16:47:35

prison -351 63 142 player-chat WOOTman12345 I actually typed "Fluff" 2013-10-18 16:47:25

prison -351 63 142 player-chat WOOTman12345 Oh yeah 2013-10-18 16:47:19

prison -347 63 143 player-chat WOOTman12345 Fluff it, Pengu, you there? 2013-10-18 16:47:16

prison -347 63 143 player-chat WOOTman12345 Pangu 2013-10-18 16:47:00

prison -347 63 145 player-chat WOOTman12345 Peeengu! 2013-10-18 16:46:40

prison -347 63 145 player-chat WOOTman12345 Hey Pengu! 2013-10-18 16:46:37

prison -347 63 145 player-chat WOOTman12345 Pengu, hey! 2013-10-18 16:46:34

prison -347 63 145 player-chat WOOTman12345 Pengu 2013-10-18 16:46:30

prison -350 63 145 player-chat WOOTman12345 You there? 2013-10-18 16:46:09

prison -349 63 147 player-chat WOOTman12345 Yo Insert! 2013-10-18 16:46:05

prison -349 63 147 player-chat WOOTman12345 Insert 2013-10-18 16:45:49

prison -349 63 147 player-chat WOOTman12345 Anyway 2013-10-18 16:45:34

1. Did swear.

2. Uses ignorance as to why "Nazi" is wrong to argue with staff.

3. Blatantly disrespects staff.

4. Antagonizes the situation further by mentioning the forum "report" to staff

(This is not in reply to anyone, this is for "safe keeps" for when he makes an actual report, and I have the information at hand)