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[Enjin Archive] GACKT's Appeal
Started by [E] GACKT

Username: GACKT

When you were banned : 18 - 19/08/13

Person who banned you: Darkpsy

Reason you were banned: (Unreasonable behavior)

All my actions were recorded here.

Server: All servers
Okay, me and the rest of the ban committee will decide to take it seriously when you decide to write it seriously. You will receive no form of exemption becuase of your "status" on the server, and will not even consider your appeal until you create a serious one.

You can call my coster-kun all you want, showing you think the appeal process is a joke is like showing you think the rules are a joke, and I don't want someone on Minetown who thinks the rules are a joke.
Why are you making so many unnecessary comments? I'm insulted by that "status" comment, to think somehow i'm going to use my popularity on the community to get unbanned? Are you here to start an argument or do your job XCoaster? Because you are pushing all the right buttons to start one...

I stated my reasons for my ban (whichever one actually got me banned). And then posted a link to the thread that I posted the screenshots, correct format and all. If you can't handle a bit of lightheartedness in my appeal/bump then so be it.

Also unnecessary, I wouldn't misuse honorifics. I do think the appeal process is a joke, but not in the way you are thinking, keep my personal opinions out of this. Please do not assume what I think ether.

But since you obviously can't handle my lightheartedness, I edited the original post. So now you can handle reading it without laughing. There is no need to take up the time to make a new one when I can simply edit it to your liking.

Before you or any other ban committee feels offended about my response in anyway, remember that you said a lot of unnecessary things to me, A simple post that said "please take this seriously" or "edit or make a new appeal to something more appropriate" would have been better.
I am not making unnecessary comments, there's a time to take everything very seriously and a time not to. I stated that you do not have exemption from a legitimate appeal by making jokes on it.

What I said was not unnecessary:

Because you took the appeal as a joke by including jokes on it, I was instructed by a staff manager to respond accordingly.

I am not here to start an argument, I'm here to enforce the rules stated and issued by Minetown staff, and if you feel the process is a joke, then I'll tell you to change it. Your nature is to start "funny" threads comments etc, ban appeals/reports/staff reports should be taken 100% serious at all times, regardless of a player's background. This is the point I was trying to instill.

Do not honestly tell me how you would rather me reply in the thread, you are appealing for the privilege to be let back on the server, remember the team that allows you that privilege. Just becuase you created a ban appeal does not give you a free pass back to the server.

These are on your personal wall so obviously I can't/won't/wouldn't prosecute you on any of this, but just keep in mind you're actually talking to a person who can read your wall posts and can make consecutive decisions, if a police officer pulls you over and you act like a jerk to him, he may feel more inclined to ticket you, same way goes here.


Now that you've updated your appeal to an appropriate structure, you were banned for; disrespect of staff when one told you to stop repeating an action, to proceeding to post about it on our forums


inappropriate conversations in chat,







to disregard for rule #3,




Do you feel remorse for these? You really are not making a great impression of someone who wants to be unbanned right now, how do we know this will not happen again?
I think we both know what you meant by that "status" comment, and it had nothing do with my humor, IF it truly did I hope you word such things better next time.

Ah but that is my personal opinion nor was it entirely directed towards just you, and I'll stand by it. As for the second comment quoted from Fettucini, I found that very funny but also true, but nothing to do with my appeal. Also your not meant to hold bias...

Do I feel remorse for what I've done? I can say without a doubt I realize what I did was wrong. I agree I'm not making a great impression at all, but if you guys know me so well up there, what is the point of a good impression? Am I someone who usually gets in trouble? Am I someone who is usually banned? Whether or not i'm unbanned isn't up to me. It is in my nature to never take anything seriously, to not submit to anyone. So I won't explain myself and asked/beg to be unbanned.

What I did was wrong, I'll admit I did do it on purpose, though I had no idea the end result would be a ban. It was all for good laughs. Will it happen again? I usually don't get banned so no, also I don't get online enough to get banned.
I'm sorry I have not been able to comment on this earlier, school has just started for me and I've been swamped beyond belief with work, only times I've had the chance to brows the forums were mobility (which Enjin's mobile is terrible), so here is your verdict:

You will be unbanned alongside Coffeey's unban of one week, so instantly.

I apologize if anything I said was detrimental in manor, it was not intended. Either way, you've been unbanned.

