This thread is the main thread dedicated to the 332nd Reich, a nation on Agharta. Yes, it took humanity long enough to discover the cubic dimension that we've reached the 332nd Reich.
Current Population: 1 member, 1 blaze, and 1 village
OkiFool66/DRAGON the Tyrant
Exeriti the Blaze
What we do:
Find a way to become an economic superpower through renewable materials.
Play somewhat legitimately enough to remain unbanned and out of the immediate scrutiny of the staff while still being shady.
Raid and Pillage unclaimed land and mine out the entire world.
Our land:
Accepting residents:
Depends entirely upon the resident and the Tyrant's mood at any given point.
Anything special:
Yes, don't get yourself banned.
Current Population: 1 member, 1 blaze, and 1 village
OkiFool66/DRAGON the Tyrant
Exeriti the Blaze
What we do:
Find a way to become an economic superpower through renewable materials.
Play somewhat legitimately enough to remain unbanned and out of the immediate scrutiny of the staff while still being shady.
Raid and Pillage unclaimed land and mine out the entire world.
Our land:
Accepting residents:
Depends entirely upon the resident and the Tyrant's mood at any given point.
Anything special:
Yes, don't get yourself banned.