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[Enjin Archive] n0ttsweets economic solution - reply dun been threaded
Started by [E] n0ttsweet

I put a LOT of time into my plan... and i expect some people to have things to say about it, maybe im egotistical, maybe i just REALLY think it could work, or maybe im just an attention whore...

whatever the case, heres the reply is all its glory (or un-glory, or ... idk nevermind)

AND NO TL;DR's you can scan it and use the colors to understand... shortest parts are at the bottom if you want the jist of it

AND DONT REPLY UNLESS YOU READ IT ALL, i dont want to have to cite parts of the idea to address concerns you have when you DIDNT READ IT <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>

hugs and kisses!


Economic fix

PAY ATTENTION this is legit folks... all based off of how things work in THE REAL WORLD

now before you say, "bu bu but this is a VIDEO GAME"... remember, you all are the crazy ones worried about the end of the world and such and such... really i dont get it, but if you want to balance things... THIS IS HOW

FIRST put an end to runaway inflation. you absolutely cannot allow mass amounts of MTC or diamonds or anything of the sort to be given out. REGARDLESS OF REASON!

MTC in its current form is broken. either fix it as noted later in "MTC FIX", or give up. sorry. its the truth.

SECOND currency as of right now is not backed by anything. not even debt... money in the US is issued by the FED and when it is, it is essentially loaned to the US govt with interest (thats supposed to be) roughly equal to the rate of inflation. this means that NO MATTER WHAT the US will ALWAYS be in DEBT.

^^^ for those of you who are US citizens, or not... and are baffled by our debt, and how we have the highest GDP as well, this is how... also we have a VERY HIGH velocity of money, but thats another story.

so! whats the second step? currency cannot be added unless it is backed by something. it doesnt have to be diamonds, or gold, or debt, but it must be backed by SOMETHING. it can literally be ONE ITEM, one custom special item, thats worth a metricshitton. (i.e. Sawine's Head)

get like 10 of them, set the price of them at 10% of all MTC in circulation. we can show the richest players, im sure you have access to the total number of MTC ever... open a damn spreadsheet! This way, when the price of sawine's head goes down, we know how much MTC has devalued due to inflation.

THIRD make DEFLATION possible! make money able to leave the market completely, give players a way, and an incentive to spend MTC on the server, that way its gone from the economy completely.. then when MTC leaves the market, the price of sawine's head goes up, we know deflation has occurred.



FIX MTC!!!!! its quite easy really, what you want to do is DECREASE the value of ONE MTC. so players with 100mil MTC are poorer than they are now, while simultaneously INCREASING the value of backed currency such as diamonds or gold.

"BUT WHY n0ttsweet?!?! WHY do you want to make my millions of MTC mere pocket change?! and WHY do you want to make players with only 1000 MTC poorer!?!?"

because, players with 100mil MTC would convert them to diamonds. and players with the diamonds would get richer because the diamonds they have are worth more!

"wait, so you mean, just sell my diamonds on the market for MTC at a competitive price that magically is supposed to go up? thats what i do now!!! how does this help me?!"

haha silly player... nonsense! we make MTC no longer redeemable for items in game EXCEPT through the admin shop! and we offer diamonds for MTC there at a controlled price. 500 MTC for 1 diamond, and 100 MTC for one gold bar. also, when MTC is spent in the admin shop, it is removed from the economy forever.


otherwise, yeah.. its gone

ALSO!!!!! introduce a new use for MTC, such as... purchasable donator packs with ridiculous amounts of MTC. and LEAVE MTC GAIN FROM VOTING

so either I can donate $20 and get a donor pack and a little MTC, or i can vote every day for a month and earn it. BOOM voting solved, BOOM runaway inflation removed, BOOM goes the dynamite!

"so what youre saying is, go mining, get diamonds, get rich? but thats harddddd"

yes thats what im saying, and too bad

Okay folks, lets sum it up.

since this is all very complex, and takes into account some really strange ideas backed by only what i seem to think in my head, im going to lay it out once more, simplified, cause and effect-ed <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>

1) Use a standardized backed currency, one thats value is public known and tracked monthly.

Ex. 10 of sawine's head. each worth EXACTLY 10% of all total MTC. This makes a single unified currency that is backed by something, something that can someday be sold. If i want to, i can buy gold IRL and watch its value change over time. If i control 10% of all MTC in existance, i should be allowed to buy sawine's head.

This means, every month, you tally all MTC in the game, and divide by 10. Across all servers that use MTC. Main 2 allows MTC storage in a cities bank. THIS ABSOLUTELY MUST BE TAKEN INTO CONSIDERATION. Otherwise remove the function completely.

MTC IS AN EXCELLENT FUNCTION OF CURRENCY. it is assigned to a player, and cannot be lost or stolen. it is truly perfect. once we make is a backed currency, and can track its true worth, it will work as it should.

2) stop runaway inflation. Do not allow new MTC to be introduced into the economy, otherwise you act like the FED loaning out money and devaluing everyone else's while expecting a return higher than what you put out there.

[if there are $1000 in the world, and I introduce $100 more into the system. Every dollar lost 10% of its value. Now, if i expect to be given back what I loaned into the economy... when you pay back my $100 you will have to pay back $109-ish. (technically as you pay back the money it starts to regain value) BUT if you are asking for interest at the rate of inflation as well, and the rate of inflation is somewhere around 2%, then you end up owing back $113-ish and the economy only has $987 in it. thus creating deflation and the rise of the value of one dollar...

In the US we never pay back this debt, because the interest rate is ultimately higher than that of inflation and we keep borrowing money from the fed to pay back our debt to the fed... and then the money we borrow is worth less, and when we borrow $1Bil to pay back $1Bil we only ever really paid back $900mil, and we now owe them another billion...

sorry for the economics lesson, but essentially we have this system, except the FED is the server, and the govt borrowing the money is the players, the server keeps giving out MTC (printing $ and loaning it to players as currency), and players value of MTC owned goes down as more MTC is introduced, and then the value of the MTC drops. New player will need more MTC to be able to start out, and this means more MTC in the system...

to continue down this path, the next new player would need to be given when joining the server roughly 100,000. And after him the next player would need to be given a function of the total number of MTC in the market divided by the 'True market value" of the MTC proportional to what 100,000 MTC was worth when the previous player joined.

lets say 110,000. then we need to give the player after him something like 122,000. and so on until we have to give a billion MTC to a rookie just to let him buy some damn wheat seeds... at which point, yeah... he'll probably just go get him his damn self haha

yeah, i suppose this COULD solve the problem, devalue MTc to the point of abandonment, BUT ITS NOT WHAT ITS GOOD FOR THE SERVER.


MTC only rewarded for voting and events, ability to spend MTC ONLY on "shop" goods from admin shop set at permanent prices. MTC still can be used in /pay and whatnot so personal trades can occur.

just remove MTC as a payment in market and only allow diamonds, gold, and iron. this means to buy something you need hard currency.

IMPORTANT NOTE not only is dia,gold,and iron a backed currency, they are also a CONSUMABLE COMMODITY!

you can make dia swords and break them eventually, dia is now removed from the economy, this makes it more volatile than MTC. MTC will be backed by sawines head. and there will be a preset number of sawines heads

essentially you have MTC being a representative value of 1 share of a sawine head. you now own a share (like stock market shares) of sawines head (how cool is that?) its perfect for MT and perfect for an economy. YOU MUST ALLOW PLAYERS TO BUY SAWINES HEAD!

why? because if noone can own it, it holds no value, and thus doesnt back anything.. which means you NEED to have alot of MTC in circulation unless you want Mr. Richy rich to come buy up some of his heads and control the value of MTC entirely... lol <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f61b.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":p">:p</object>

(note, im serious about owning his head.... say a group of people all cashed in and bought one. thats awesome, and its something to aim for. it would make MTC have value aside from just buying diamonds in admin shop...)

and if you can only get MTC from voting, events, or informal trade with a player... well i think alot more people would vote!

and if i could spend my MTC on donator packs? id say screw sawines head, I WANT /KIT DIAMOND xD

also, remove MTC from donor rewards... it MUST be done or else you can have a pay-to-win(or get dia from ADMIN SHOP) thing going on, and while that might be great for MT, its not great for the server <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f61b.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":p">:p</object>

or maybe not, instead you could just make the amount of MTC for a donor pack equal to 10x the amount of MTC included in that pack... so $300 donor pack can be bought for 750,000 MTC. ( to note, only the top 36 richest players could even afford that... of a server with thousands of players, thats not too bad...)

3) Standarize prices for dia, gold, and iron. (this is the last one, i promise)

so when sawines head is worth 3bil because there is 30bil in the market, buying diamond at the admin shop might be alright, but then later when sawines head is only worth 2bil because everyone spent 10bil on donor packs collectively, buying that same diamond for 500mtc might not be as appealing...

you see, if there is a ton of MTC in the economy, then people will feel alright to buy diamonds, but the more people who buy diamonds or anything from admin shop, or donor packs, the less money there is, and the less worth it it is to buy diamonds, if you lower the price of a diamond to 100mtc because mtc are worth 5x what they were a month ago at 500mtc, then you are still allowing inflation, in the form of a hard currency like diamonds.


all in all, 3 things.

1) Use a backed currency with a preset amount. (technically after its set, you cannot change it) if someone buys one and say "NOONE CAN HAVE IT!' you cant just replace it, that player bought it fair and square.

if i bought 100 tons of gold, and dissolved it in acid the US cant be like "bah its okay, we'll just use console to fix it." interfering caused these problems and like Einstein said "Problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them."

i am introducing backed currency, that is set and unchangeable.

2) stop RUNAWAY inflation inflation can happen, but deflation must also happen, if it doesnt we have entropy, a state of no trades and no selling or buying... which is what we have. entropy = no change. if we have nothing to base value off of, and we dont know what the true value of something is, we have a financial bubble (LIKE THE HOUSING CRISIS OF 2008 IN THE US)

---i wont explain it, JUST TRUST ME DAMN IT---

3) standardize prices for dia, gold, and iron. this protects against inflation for players who are worried about the value of MTC, just as gold IRL is used to hedge against the rate of inflation. the 'true value' of gold isnt supposed to change, so as the dollar loses value, gold prices rise.

in our system. sawines head acts as gold in the US market. MTC acts as the dollar did when it WAS backed by gold, and dia, gold and iron in game commodities we buy... like a Porsche, go kart, or bicycle, respectively...

their prices change due to inflation in the real world, but here, we dont have the IRS and an entire dept of government tracking on monitoring and we dont have Econ Majors writing thesis's on the economy of MT and how to fix it...

i mean, what kind of person would sit down and write out pages and pages of information, then rewrite it two more times for emphasis and simplification so anyone could read it and understand. AND who did research and data collection and read wiki pages for hours just to come up with a win-win solution to our economic position...

well, n0ttsweet would. and maybe you dont like my idea, maybe you think i wasted my time and im a fool.

but maybe, just maybe im right. and even if you arent sure, or you do think im wrong, maybe i deserve some props for doing this at all... i mean, sure, you couldve too

but you didnt.

It took me a few days to read and scroll down the page. Needs moar pictures for those whom caint reed gud.

Seriously though, I thought this would be a joke thread but it ended up actually being logical.
thank you!

i know its long, but i REALLY did put a lot of time in and tried to cover all the bases

please give it some thought and make a reply about what you think, i honestly am 100% confident in this
I personally find this alternate solution to the economy issue, to be agreeable. I hope other people come to the same conclusion as I have.

Just kidding.

This all makes sense. If you have two braincells, and/or a working logic of the world we live in, you can understand this.

If you can't, and have the IQ of a beansprout, then kill yourself.

On a serious note, the main problem with Minetown's current state IMO isn't the economy, it's the massive slump of the level of players.

Partly this is because Minetown has a very expensive economy for new(er) and not-so-rich players.

Mostly this is because Minecraft isn't beta1.8.1 anymore.

I strongly believe, and have for a while, that high-level donor packs should be available for votes but not MTC or in-game currency. These can easily be horded - votes give population (and in-turn economic growth) back to the server. For example, the $300 donation pack may cost 500 votes (to put this in perspective - at one vote per day, you'd have the $300 donator pack in around 1 year and 4 months.

What does this encourage? People to stay. A lot of players now are "bouncing" (i.e. they come on the server, stay around, then leave). The *BRIEF* tutorial that is supposedly (according to a thread made ages ago which for some reason is dead) coming to Minetown should outline this and explain it thoroughly, and the time involved (to work it out, simply do <$ofdonation/numberofdays). More people encourages economy growth.


Now, understand what I mean when I say this, but I completely understand that the people that you sometimes deal with, committee members, are absolute d***heads who will do absolutely f***ing every damn thing to get out of being banned. I get it. They annoy me too. I laugh at their appeals.

But, when you're banned, I'd expect to be treated the same way as countries treat their criminals (LOL) - fair trials, thorough (and showed) evidence, politeness and respect.

Frankly, I don't think any of the below quotes display Minetown as a nice place (note - all of these posts are from real ban appeals:

6. Do not use hacks/cheats or exploit glitches, including (but not limited to) Any method of duplication Using x-ray mods/texture packs Flying Speed hacks Exploiting game glitches Using a cheat client Using any scripts which allow for chea wrote:

Do you honestly think copy-pasting a portion of the rules to them is going to make them listen?
Your task before I make my final decision is to write our rules here with an explanation to why each one is important to our community. Example Format: Rule 1 - Rule typed out here Reasons why it's important to the community here Please wrote:

I don't think giving them homework will work either.

But honestly, this isn't my problem with the system.

THIS is my problem with the system.
1st ban: From 1 day to 2 months. 2nd ban: From 2 months to 6 months. 3rd ban: From 6 months to 12 months. 4th ban: Beyond 12 months. wrote:



And what happens when they're then banned and don't come back?

Their shit stays on the server(s). All their cobblestone bullshit buildings and all that land they got protected and whatnot. Their diamonds are stored in chests and all that bullcrap doesn't see the light of day again.

I've gone a little bit off topic here, but you see my point.

Minetown didn't exactly go from "good" to "bad" overnight.

Vets don't play anymore because it's boring. Minecraft's boring.

Until they make Minecraft porn, I don't think that Minetown will be pulling in any more players any time soon.

(Yes, I voted for good plan. Maybe the shrine to Danni wasn't such a good idea as all the little 5-year-old kiddies worship her)

Edit: I notice whoever said "bad plan" hasn't had the girth to actually post why because he hasn't got the intellectual fortitude to conjure up a valid argument against n0tt's viewpoint. Bellend.
I like how you made this all color coated. what you and predspread have said makes sense. We will likely never see donation perks for votes. because voting for this server does not pay our bills or our Dev's. 500 votes would never make even $20 in value to the server. voting simply does not replace good old fashioned benjamin franklins.
voting can get more players...

if youve ever worked in sales, you know that its a numbers game... you have two options, get lucky with a "whale" (someone who has more cash than they know how to spend) or just try to sell to as many people as possible...

get maximum exposure and get maximum results... thats why voting is so important!!!

thanks for all the comments though!

and thanks lance for the compliment on color! i took time to make sure it didnt hurt your eyes to read so long haha xD
and in regards to predspread's ban rant...

i was banned for 2 months for greifing the easter egg hunt.. in fact im still banned until my 2 months are up..

i might be a living testament to waiting to come back, but then, ive been here a year...

if it wasnt for checking in to see what was up, i probably wouldnt be back, i started playing other games and quit MC completely when i got banned.

i think how things were handled werent optimal. and im glad i can come back soon-ish, but i can agree overall that the ban process is completely awful....
#PredSpread wrote:

Just kidding.

This all makes sense. If you have two braincells, and/or a working logic of the world we live in, you can understand this.

If you can't, and have the IQ of a beansprout, then kill yourself.

On a serious note, the main problem with Minetown's current state IMO isn't the economy, it's the massive slump of the level of players.

Partly this is because Minetown has a very expensive economy for new(er) and not-so-rich players.

Mostly this is because Minecraft isn't beta1.8.1 anymore.

I strongly believe, and have for a while, that high-level donor packs should be available for votes but not MTC or in-game currency. These can easily be horded - votes give population (and in-turn economic growth) back to the server. For example, the $300 donation pack may cost 500 votes (to put this in perspective - at one vote per day, you'd have the $300 donator pack in around 1 year and 4 months.

What does this encourage? People to stay. A lot of players now are "bouncing" (i.e. they come on the server, stay around, then leave). The *BRIEF* tutorial that is supposedly (according to a thread made ages ago which for some reason is dead) coming to Minetown should outline this and explain it thoroughly, and the time involved (to work it out, simply do <$ofdonation/numberofdays). More people encourages economy growth.


Now, understand what I mean when I say this, but I completely understand that the people that you sometimes deal with, committee members, are absolute d***heads who will do absolutely f***ing every damn thing to get out of being banned. I get it. They annoy me too. I laugh at their appeals.

But, when you're banned, I'd expect to be treated the same way as countries treat their criminals (LOL) - fair trials, thorough (and showed) evidence, politeness and respect.

Frankly, I don't think any of the below quotes display Minetown as a nice place (note - all of these posts are from real ban appeals:

6. Do not use hacks/cheats or exploit glitches, including (but not limited to) Any method of duplication Using x-ray mods/texture packs Flying Speed hacks Exploiting game glitches Using a cheat client Using any scripts which allow for chea wrote:

Do you honestly think copy-pasting a portion of the rules to them is going to make them listen?
Your task before I make my final decision is to write our rules here with an explanation to why each one is important to our community. Example Format: Rule 1 - Rule typed out here Reasons why it's important to the community here Please wrote:

I don't think giving them homework will work either.

But honestly, this isn't my problem with the system.

THIS is my problem with the system.
1st ban: From 1 day to 2 months. 2nd ban: From 2 months to 6 months. 3rd ban: From 6 months to 12 months. 4th ban: Beyond 12 months. wrote:



And what happens when they're then banned and don't come back?

Their shit stays on the server(s). All their cobblestone bullshit buildings and all that land they got protected and whatnot. Their diamonds are stored in chests and all that bullcrap doesn't see the light of day again.

I've gone a little bit off topic here, but you see my point.

Minetown didn't exactly go from "good" to "bad" overnight.

Vets don't play anymore because it's boring. Minecraft's boring.

Until they make Minecraft porn, I don't think that Minetown will be pulling in any more players any time soon.

(Yes, I voted for good plan. Maybe the shrine to Danni wasn't such a good idea as all the little 5-year-old kiddies worship her)

Edit: I notice whoever said "bad plan" hasn't had the girth to actually post why because he hasn't got the intellectual fortitude to conjure up a valid argument against n0tt's viewpoint. Bellend.

The day I was actually slightly impressed by a Pred Post. That snowball is looking pretty whole in hell.
bump! need moar opinionz <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f632.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":o">:o</object>