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[Enjin Archive] Staff Suggestions
Started by Unknown User

This is an exellent 99% greif free server, which means staff online 24/7 isnt a nessicity.

I have had experienced servers who have a structured staff system.

They have other small ranks which are always online but don't have as much power.

A suggestion of staff ranks can be -

trainee --> JuniorMOD --> MOD --> Admin

to ensure even more security on staffing other servers I have noticed have a mentor for each rank. e.g ever trainne reports to a junior mod. every MOD reports to an admin and so on.

Also when me and some other players play in some timezones there are no staff online <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/2639.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":(">:(</object> and we have to wait to get things like warps created.

These staff systems can allow players to always be able to ask a Member of staff for a question and allows admins and Mod more time to deal with very important matters.

This is only an idea and I arent being offensive i belive this would bring much more people to the server <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f600.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":d">:d</object>

thanks <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f600.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":d">:d</object>

comment your views

I think this is a good idea. I often play from around 4pm-4am EST and there's usually one mod on for a bit then after a little while none. we need at least one more night mod or someone taking shifts to be the night person or something.
i support this idea because we have often the problems that there arent mods or admins online in europe

i think that this idea is a good sulotion because with this idea you can give just some basic powers to help out other people and mabye this will make the work of the admins less
i support this but i dont think we need 2 new levels maybe just a trainee? i think that a junior-mod would look a little unprofessional and childish but other than that good idea and from the list of trainees they could then choose to promote people they trust to mod? like the trainees could be a sort of proving grounds for new mods to be chosen from?
yes exactly and if a trainne mucks up , its not that big a deal as they dont have much power and could easily be demoted if unloyal.
My name is JayoHJH, and I approve this message.
I know this seems like a good idea and all. But this just seems like a way for you guys to try and get yourself above other members... I mean none of us has the time to do this, we promote the people to mod that we feel NEED to be or would be a big help. These new ranks, as I said before, just come across to me as something you guys want so you guys can be above normal members. I dont think these will happen. Also No admin or mod has the time to "train" people as one of these ranks. It wont work. sorry man
Well, i got to support this.. i were number 5 in the help line and then hehad to go.. so.. THUMBS UP!

And gear... i NEED to be an mod or admin so i can rule all of the server!!! MUAHAHAHAHA!
Lol no exeriti xD but Also we are getting admins in the European Time zone so we dont really need these, because if they had less power than mods, you'd hve donators...
Look, I never once said you had to make any of us these new ranks?

My point was in a business you have a CEO and a few partners and more normal workers.

Where as on this server there are more admins than MODS.

I have seen many successfull servers use much more detailed ranking systems and it allows and easy play on one server the ranks were as follows

guest --> player --> trainee --> Junior Mod --> Mod --> Manager --> Developer --> Admin --> Owner

and it had a server total players of 60 online at one time.

to become a staff member you had to fit specific guidlines, by example a MOD had to work at least 4 hour / day or they would be demoted.

this sort of stucture enables players to always have staff to turn to.

Aslo training a trainne isn't hard as they would only have like 6 commands, or something.