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[Enjin Archive] Muted? (not sure which forum to put this in)
Started by [E] Eunjun

Alright, so here's what happened:

Earlier today I logged on and noticed about 1/4 of my home gone in an irregular pattern. I submitted a mod request asking if I was grieved. Italy08 came to check it out, and somehow hundreds of animals spawned and blue electricity (what looked like it) was coming from him, and more blocks of mine then continuing to disappear. Between me talking on chat and finding out what was going on and the time I submitted the modreq, I made a dia chest and transferred all my valuable items to it.

That is just background information and is not the focus of this, so please don't flame or anything guys. I'm just providing background for a situation.

Alrighty, so again, Italy08 game to fix it. My system crashed due to what I'd guess was 500 animals spawned and what appeared to be more animals spawning in. I'm a poor college kid, integrated graphics can only handle so much. Or maybe my processor wasn't good enough. Not sure which was my system's problem. Anyways, I logged back on few hours later and all mobs in the area were de-spawned and much of my land reverted. However, no repair of explosion or anything like that. Italy then says I asked for a refund on an explosion, which I didn't. You can even check the chatlog and modreq. Please do it. Then when I noticed my diamond chest replaced with a gold one, and all my items from the diachest gone, I submitted another modreq to undo whatever rollback they did, 'cause I'd like to have my items back. Wouldn't you guys?

Then I'm called a liar. However, I'd very much like you to go through the records and see that I placed a dia chest and items in it. Unless the failed rollback somehow erased all that data (it might have, I'm not sure how rollbacks work in honesty) then it should be in there. I don't appreciate being called a liar when all I did on the FTB server was help others as well as try to figure everything out with the modpack. If I was being an idiot and somehow created a larger explosion than engines are able to create, then just say it at first. Check the chat logs, because I guarantee that Italy never told me (while I was online) that he told me all this info.

So, no offense to the staff team, but Italy08 was seeming to be a pretty big jerk to me when all I wanted was answers. He told me AFTER an argument that it was all an error, which he could have told me from the beginning. I do not think he told me while I was online, and I'm not doubting that he did tell me. I left without saying goodbye this evening due to my system crashing, so he might have said it after the fact that I crashed. Which is all perfectly fine. If he just reiterated what he said before, I wouldn't have tried to defend what honor I have. This is not me just raging at Italy, 'cause honestly he's a good guy. However, I don't appreciate being called a liar when I know for a fact what I said was true, especially the diamond chest part because I remember accidentally creating a Gold chest and not being able to upgrade that to a dia via shaped crafting. So I had to make a gold to diamond upgrade kit, 'cause I was dumb and didn't build a silver chest then a dia chest. So I'm so sorry that Italy didn't give me a chance to explain this. And I'm so sorry he was seeming to be a jerk to me. And I'm so sorry I was also being a jerk out of frustration. However, I would also like an apology from him.

One last thing, you said you looked in the records saying that I never PLACED a diamond chest. Look in the records about me placing a gold chest as well as then upgrading it to a diamond chest with an upgrade kit. Please do so and you'll see I am right. You don't need to apologize for that as it was your mistake. However, just don't automatically kick me and mute me without even hearing a full explanation.

Thank you for your time and have a good day/night
I was unmuted and then given a chance to explain it all, and there was misunderstandings on both sides (Italy's and my own). He told me to bring it to the forums (which I already did) so I will await your response, Italy, and respond after work tomorrow (or I guess today).

I have been working on your mistake all day. In an effort to identify the problem I did a preview which also respawns animals killed in the area. Prism errored out and continued to spawn animals. At which point you begain QQing non stop. Other members even told you to be patient that I was working on it. At which time you carried on like a little child.

The preview was cancelled while I was continuosly spamming /butcher -a 30 in the area to reduce the mobs. I eventually had to do a complete stop of the server and restart. When we returned you were saying that I destroyed even more blocks which at this point is untrue since it was a preview and doesn't take affect until I type /prism preview accept.

overworld -9181 66 -2532 player-chat Italy08 dunsjohn what machine exploded? 2013-02-05 21:23:39

overworld -9181 66 -2532 player-chat Italy08 so I can check the configs 2013-02-05 21:23:39

overworld -391 73 -1121 player-chat dunsjohn about 6 buildcraft machines 2013-02-05 21:23:39

overworld -483 98 -1048 player-chat dunsjohn I'm not sure what caused the explosion, either 2013-02-05 21:25:31

overworld -9189 64 -2505 player-chat dunsjohn what're you doing, italy? more of my blocks are being destroyed 2013-02-05 21:28:32

overworld -9190 66 -2514 player-chat dunsjohn blame lag on italy for spawning hundreds of sheep and cow... 2013-02-05 21:29:18

overworld -9184 66 -2532 player-chat dunsjohn italy, what are you doing? lol 2013-02-05 21:31:14

overworld -699 65 -1010 player-chat dunsjohn I'm not allowed to know the method? 2013-02-05 21:32:00

overworld -9190 61 -2524 player-chat Italy08 duns was this a farm back here? 2013-02-05 21:48:44

overworld -9182 66 -2532 player-chat Italy08 will in just a min investigating something right now 2013-02-05 22:10:33

overworld -9158 66 -2516 player-chat dunsjohn wtf? all my items are gone 2013-02-06 01:58:26

overworld -9136 67 -2494 player-chat dunsjohn wow that wasn't a rollback on my land... someone griefed... 2013-02-06 02:00:53

overworld -9168 71 -2517 player-chat dunsjohn I had a dia chest filled with all my building stuff... 2013-02-06 02:06:31

overworld -9169 71 -2527 player-chat dunsjohn I just got ignored and yelled at during that time 2013-02-06 02:09:27

overworld -9169 71 -2527 player-chat dunsjohn now, in all honesty, a failed rollback caused me to lose just about everything 2013-02-06 02:09:44

overworld -9157 71 -2514 player-chat dunsjohn instead of some spawning of probably 500+ animals which crashed my system... 2013-02-06 02:10:15

overworld -9162 71 -2514 player-chat dunsjohn but idc anymore, just gonna give all my shit away and quit 2013-02-06 02:11:07

overworld 4560 22 233 player-chat Italy08 duns I didnt spawn the animals lol 2013-02-06 02:11:13

overworld -9169 71 -2513 player-chat dunsjohn then how did 500+ animals appear? 2013-02-06 02:11:23

overworld 4514 22 230 player-chat Italy08 I am currently still looking into it 2013-02-06 02:13:21

overworld -9189 71 -2508 player-chat dunsjohn how did you not notice the hundreds of animals and the lightning that came from you when you 2013-02-06 02:13:35

overworld 4514 22 230 player-chat Italy08 omg duns it was an error in the server.... 2013-02-06 02:13:55

overworld -9189 66 -2512 player-chat dunsjohn Sayomie, I'm willing to drop the topic however now Italy is lying I believe 2013-02-06 02:14:05

overworld -9168 66 -2514 player-chat dunsjohn Italy, I'm posting on a forum a detailed explanation about my diamond chest and our argument. 2013-02-06 02:30:41

overworld -9168 66 -2514 player-chat dunsjohn Because you won't listen to me here 2013-02-06 02:30:44

overworld -9168 66 -2514 player-chat dunsjohn fyi gold - diamond upgrade kit, look for that in the log 2013-02-06 02:30:57

overworld 4569 22 249 player-chat Italy08 go ahead do what you think is neccessary 2013-02-06 02:31:34

overworld -9168 66 -2514 player-chat dunsjohn Sorry, no law against it and you refused to listen and you called me a liar. 2013-02-06 02:31:37

overworld -9168 66 -2514 player-chat dunsjohn I've never lied to you once. You're right I didn't PLACE a diamond chest 2013-02-06 02:31:50

overworld 4569 22 249 player-chat Italy08 Im not telling you not to lol 2013-02-06 02:31:51

overworld -9168 66 -2514 player-chat dunsjohn *Placed 2013-02-06 02:31:57

overworld 4569 22 249 player-chat Italy08 ok then off the info I was given before was I wrong by saying you didnt? 2013-02-06 02:32:14

overworld 4569 22 249 player-chat Italy08 I have done nothing but try and figure this out all day ... 2013-02-06 02:32:47

overworld 4569 22 249 player-chat Italy08 oh and whitelist a few people 2013-02-06 02:32:56

overworld -9168 66 -2514 player-chat dunsjohn And keep acting as if you know everything already when you have the logs to look at... 2013-02-06 02:33:36

overworld 4569 22 249 player-chat Italy08 you said you placed diamond chest I said you didn't.. I was right... 2013-02-06 02:33:39

overworld 4569 22 249 player-chat Italy08 duns just take it to the forums ... 2013-02-06 02:34:03

overworld -9168 66 -2514 player-chat dunsjohn so... were you right? partially, yes 2013-02-06 02:34:04

overworld -9168 66 -2514 player-chat dunsjohn I did.. 2013-02-06 02:34:10

overworld 4569 22 249 player-chat Italy08 not everyone here needs to listen to this... 2013-02-06 02:34:19

There you go logs... Never once did I call you a liar which you stated in this post. I have done nothing but try and figure this out all day. I don't know why prism bugged out and continuously spawned the animals. As for the chest upgrade can't find that either it more then likely doesn't use a block-break/place event for it to be logged.

Even with all the drama your attempting to cause I am still looking into this. Items destroyed by you blowing up your own home is not our fault and will not be refunded. If I find proof that prism destroyed your chest I will refund its contents. Unfortunately at this point I can't even find a gold or diamond chest but I am still looking. There are a lot of logs to go through. Did you place this chest after the explosion or before? Can you remember what items were in the chest? Information like this instead of drama will help me solve this a lot faster....


P.S I am not promising that you will get a refund. Only if I can find proof of the chest and its contents will I issue a refund.
Italy, next time you should include the stuff nbc and Sayomie stated during that time because that attributed to what I was saying, so now I look like a "child" when you only leave this information. You're taking EVERYTHING I said out of context here. Well, most of it.

The items I remember were this (there was about 6-7 lines in the dia chest so I can't remember it all):

I believe around 40 blocks of tin and maybe 21 tin ingots

9 blocks copper and probably around 6 ingots

about 8 ingots iron

might have been 1 ingot gold, though I might have used that, I can't remember about that

16 glass panes

23 glass

5-6 silvertree saplings

22 ferrous ingots

12 invar ingots

somewhere between 3-4 stacks of redstone (might have been 2 stacks and 40+)

11 charm of keeping

22 ironwood ingots

8ish silverleef (this number is probably wrong, though, I just remember it was enough for one armor).

23ish steel ingots

10ish bronze ingots

7ish brass ingots

5 aluminum

64 coal

30ish coal dust

I believe 12 or 14 Uranium (that was just straight mined, not processed yet).

4 minium stones (one used)

60 minium shards

1 inert stone

13 copper wire

2 HV cables

Probably more stuff but I can't remember it all, sorry. But as you said you'll look for evidence that I had it. In addition, I even said my dia chest had pretty much everything of mine in it.

Though I will admit I never saw these, probably in my frustration as well as my computer freezing up with all those animals, and an eventual crash:

overworld -9190 61 -2524 player-chat Italy08 duns was this a farm back here? 2013-02-05 21:48:44

overworld -9182 66 -2532 player-chat Italy08 will in just a min investigating something right now 2013-02-05 22:10:33

However you've also made mistake(s) in that day. There's also a lacking of information that you stated (like the "I already told you it was an error) stuff, which it seems like I was right that you didn't.

Italy, I don't think I logged in when the server restarted. I took the liberty of going to dinner and watching a movie, and returning a few hours later. Include when the server shut/down and my logout/login times, as it will show that I believe. 'cause I remember saying "destroying more blocks" when the animals kept spawning and spawning, which was before the restart. So again, you're taking stuff out of context to make me seem more and more like a "child." If you're doing this intentionally to dumb the situation down, then I pity you. If it is an accident, then stuff happens.

My return with "qqing" was me trying to figure out what happened because only 4 things changed. 1 glass fibre cable and 2 golden waterproof pipes, as well as the disappearance of the diamond chest (more like a revert to gold). The fibre was on the complete opposite side of my building from the apparent explosion (include my modreq so people will see I wasn't trying to get refunded from the explosion, I was commenting on an irregular pattern that appeared to me as a griever). The pipes were actually about 15 units from each other and both missing, but between were completely unaffected and still filled with water. So just those 3 random bits missing made me think a griever again. A rollback would have removed all the tubing and replaced my fibre with copper cable, and I was not informed it was an error until about the time you muted me.

So thanks for what help you gave, just don't take it out of context to make me seem like the "child" you claim me to be.
I can't edit at the moment, enjin won't let me. I forgot to answer a question.

I believe I upgraded the chest after the explosion but before you came. I actually think I never even went to that part of the house. It looked like a chunk error from where I was (looked like 8x8 area), and my house is elongated. Plus my back was towards that area most of the time I constructed it.

And part of the drama in this recent response was due to lack of context, Italy. Taking things out of context will just make things worse (this is what you're dong in your response, no offense).

EDIT: Italy, implications carry far more weight at times than do the actual words of a sentence. Please review the logs you posted and tell me what implications your words gave to me. You'll see that you did imply that I am a liar. I also believe there is more I said and more you said that would add context to everything I said. Again, out of context information will give you and others misinterpretations.

I eventually found your interactions with a diamond chest.. However unfortunately for whatever reason it did not log what was put in. Don't know why but I can see that you did access a chest that is no longer there. I assume that you weren't just looking in an empty chest over and over lol. So apparently the plugin caused more issues. Could be a number of reason were still looking into that part of it.

So I offer the following solutions:

I refund only the items posted above. No adding to the list.


I give you 1 fortune 5/efficiency 5 Diamond pickaxe.

The logs I posted are directly from the server. Even when faced with direct proof of your immaturity you still try and place the blame on me? I never called you a liar. I never publicly insulted you. Both of which you did to me. Evidence is right here in this forum....

Your next response needs to be nothing more then which option you would like, I am done with your drama. Take it or leave it. I have more important things to work on.
Edit: you edited your post so I will do so on mine (or someone else added the last sentence as I was typing this)

I'll choose the refund.

Quick question, though. Are you able to see my inventory interactions? If so, if you coincide it with my interaction with the chest you should get precise numbers instead of my estimates. If it is not worth the work then just do my estimates I guess. Thanks.
I would like to add a 43 page rebuttle explaining that obviously Italy is a jerk for trying to help someone, but for some inexplicable reason I just wasted what free time I did have trying reading this post <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":-)">:-)</object>
Thank you for your snide comment, Holliday.
I have issued your refund from the list you provided. Please verify that its correct before removing the items from the chest.


