The Valorian Legion is Valor's army, and is heavily organized and disciplined. The legionaries are the defenders, peacekeepers, and law enforcers of Valor.
Every city in Valor will have a law enforcement station, and barracks will be built throughout Valor to house the Legion.
All citizens of Valor are expected to serve in the Legion during times of war, but full-time service is not necessary. Legionaries will be provided with weapons and armor depending on their rank, and a small ration of bread and water.
Full time legionaries are expected to enforce the law in Valorian cities in times of peace, and make sure cities and towns are safe and free from crime. They will be expected to help in the construction of roads, bridges, tunnels, and other infrastructure.
Full-time legionaries will receive discounts on all government services and will have top-priority for higher ranks.
The ranks are as follows:
Legate:The overall legion commander. This post can only be filled by a praetor, and he will have the responsibility of commanding and organizing the legion. All lower ranking officials will report to the legate.
Commander: Commands one platoon. Each platoon will consist of 2 squads. Commander will report directly to the legate.
Camp Prefect: In charge of a platoon's camp. One will be assigned to each platoon. They will be in charge of setting up the camp and organizing the lay-out and defenses.
Sergeant: Commands a squad of 4 men. Reports to the platoon commander.
Legionary: Every new recruit will start as a legionary. They will be issued an iron sword, leather armor, one water bucket, and 10 bread on the field. Four legionaries/archers plus one centurion will form a century.
Archer: Skill with bow and arrow must be shown to become an archer. Will be supplied with one bow, 64 arrows, a wooden sword, and 10 bread. Four legionaries/archers plus one centurion will form a century.
All legionaries and archers will be supplied with a stone pick, stone axe, stone shovel, and 32 dirt.
Current Members:
Emperor: Pompous_Lemur
Legate: Eissaye
1st Platoon:
- jthm02 (Commander)
-1st Squad
1st Squad:
- Flaptastic (Sergeant)
- KingKar1