The plugin that we have been using for the last while "Duck Shop" for shops has gone inactive and started to crash the server so we have decided to change over to "Sign Shop".
This is a better plugin over all and a plugin that we have considered moving over to for a while, With this change players will have to remake all of their shops. Bellow is a description of how to make a shop sign as well as the signs that we are allowing players to use.
Creating a Shop Sign
Types of signs you can use
If you have any question please post them and i or another staff member will try to answer them to help make this a smooth transition over to the new plugin
Yield Edit:
I found the error that was causing instability with Duckshop. To smooth the transition, the plugin will remain for about a week. More in-depth warning will be issued in a few days, prior to the plugins removal.
How to make a sign
This is a better plugin over all and a plugin that we have considered moving over to for a while, With this change players will have to remake all of their shops. Bellow is a description of how to make a shop sign as well as the signs that we are allowing players to use.
Creating a Shop Sign
- Place 1 sign -_-
- First line = , etc
- Second line = Description
- Third line = Description
- Forth Line = Price that you are selling the item at in MTC
- Place 1 chest at desired location
- Place the amount of items that you want to sell in the chest (If you want to sell 1 stone at x credits place only 1 stone in the chest)
- Right click the chest with a piece of red stone dust
- Right click the sign with the piece of red stone dust
- Congrats you have now made a shop sign you can now stock the chest with as many items as you want
Types of signs you can use
- - Used to allow players to buy items from your shop
- - Used to allow players to sell items to your shop
- - Used to allow players to trade 1 set item for another set item
- - Used to allow players to donate a set item to the shop
- - Used to allow players to donate the item in their hand to the shop
- - Destroys the item in your had
- - Turns a lever on
- - Turns a lever off
- - Toggles a lever
- - Temporarily turns on a lever
- - Temporarily turns on a lever using items as payment
- - Allows players create jukeboxes by placing music discs in a chest
- - Link to another SignShop to split profits, lines 2 and 3 are for the other players, line 4 is for % amounts (e.g. "25/50" for 75% to others)
If you have any question please post them and i or another staff member will try to answer them to help make this a smooth transition over to the new plugin

Yield Edit:
I found the error that was causing instability with Duckshop. To smooth the transition, the plugin will remain for about a week. More in-depth warning will be issued in a few days, prior to the plugins removal.
How to make a sign
- Place sign with on first line, Second and third lines are for a description
- Place two chests
- Place the items you want to sell trade in the first one (Cost Item)
- Place the items you want to buy trade in the second one (Item being Purchased)
- Punch the first one with redstone then the second one
- punch the sign after you have punched both chests
- Stock your chests
- Profit