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[Enjin Archive] World of Warcraft? Anyone?
Started by [E] Crazelmax

Hey guys, I havent been on minetown because i have been playing a ton of WoW... With that being said, I was wondering if anyone else in the minetown community plays, and ill add you on battlenet <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>! I pvp more than anything else but i can also tank dungeons and what not. I play Alliance mostly, on Darkspear :3.

I love you guys <3

I tried to play when MoP first came out but it just didn't take. haven't been a true WoW player since last november. At this point, I don't think its even possible for me to go back =3

My main was Yield @ Garrosh, a troll Druid. I may have wiped the floor with you once to twice (jk). All kidding aside, I have a lot of good memories playing WoW, they just got pushed aside to make way for Minetown =3
Not sure about the others, but Smordn, Apollyon9, myself, johalton, and rokitichikin are all alliance on lightninghoof. I'm not sure how active the others are on Minecraft, but I know Rokitchikin and I have very little time to play any game so we try to mitigate our time as best we can.

Most of the names mentioned above are PvE'ers, raiding and what not...I believe Rokitchikin PvP's the most out of everyone.
Yield, understandable, Cataclysm is what got me, the game at that point was a huge joke and the story and lore was just outrageously lame. I felt no reason to play the game so i took a break, When I heard about MoP I began to get back into it. My younger brother and my father both played at the time, so i had to show them who the best WoW player was. I play a Human Warrior and a Human Warlock mostly, but i sometimes like leveling up something new. If you ever come back, you will have to let me know, I have some horde characters id play on with you.

Nova, if you would like you could add me on battlenet, Crazelmax@yahoo.com (my real name is Brendan, but it says my name is Crazel Max XD). I pve and pvp. Im always up for a dungeon or some battlegrounds. And i love to level up new characters, so maybe I might level up a toon on Lightninghoof... i think i have a level 58 DK on that server...

With the new patch out 5.1, Blizzard has added some cool new features, so hopefully they are fun and enjoyable for all wow players.